Unleash your inner gobbler!
What would you say about getting extra rewards for participating in events like the Spiral Showcase, Deckathalons, Beastmoon Hunt, Pet Promenade, and Beastmoon Monster Mayhem?
The Fall Scroll of Fortune is back!
Participating in those events earns you points towards your Scroll of Fortune. All Wizards can unlock free rewards with these points; however, there are additional exclusive rewards for players that purchase the scroll.
Here are just a few of the rewards you can unlock through the Fall Scroll of Fortune:
- *NEW* Gobbler Costume Costume
- *NEW* Dashing Pumpkin Mount
- *NEW* Trick-or-Treat Emote
- *NEW* Candy ExplosionTeleport Effect
- *NEW* Skull Doorbell Housing Item
- And so much more!
The Fall Scroll of Fortune runs through November 30th, 2024 at 11:59 PM Central Time. Unlocking the Scroll of Fortune is per character, not account-wide. Members also get a discount on the scroll. Start unlocking rewards today!