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Pests level to high

Feb 19, 2009
I am a level 9 gardener and currently I have rank 6 and 7 pests on two of my plants. I am to low of a level to get pixie and the other pest spells. Any suggestions?
- Morgrim FireHorn Level 82

Mar 16, 2009
Keep tending to their needs, ignore the pests, and they should still make it to Elder. You'll miss out on Mature harvests but the plant will still make it to Elder. If it starts dying though, there is no saving it.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Let your plants wilt, because there's nothing you can do about it right now. But, don't dig them up!!

Leave them wilted for now and start questing/farming until you earn 175,000 gold. Yes, that is a LOT. (But you're level 82 in the game so it shouldn't take you too long.) Once you have that much gold, you can train for the Summon Pixie gardening spell in Krokotopia. She will kill any pest and keep all pests away for 48 hours.

After you've got the Summon Pixie spell, revive one or two plants at a time and use the Pixie to keep those nasty, high ranking pests off.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven

Jan 28, 2018
if you were able to plant them, then you need to keep an eye at the bazaar for cards like Ant lion for level 7 pests and itsy bitsy spider for level 6. both are expensive energy wise but will kill anything in the spell's circle. you can sometimes get the cards in the gardening card packs.

avoid going to the house until you can take care if it. make sure you have all non-pest needs met before you take a break from the house.