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Game Addition Idea - Crowd Magic

Jan 16, 2010
Okay hear me out, because I couldn't sleep last night so all I did was think..

My idea is called "Crowd Magic", it essentially provides a fun way for Wizards to use magic more frequently outside of the normal card-based system. Crowd Magic is used to stun, freeze, or avoid monsters roaming the streets to help you on your journey. It cannot be used where there are no monsters (like commons), can only be used in streets and areas where Monsters roam, and is very temporary. The spells would work on cool downs to avoid spamming, and maybe you could gain different ones as you level up.

Here's some ideas to give you an idea of what I mean:

Reborn: You burn into ashes and are reborn in fire at another point you can see.
Bonfire: You erupt in powerful flames, sending nearby foes away for 3-5 sec.
Wall of Fire: A wall of fire erupts into place, stopping foes from progressing. Lasting 3 sec.

Wall of Ice: A wall of ice erupts into place, stopping foes from progressing. Lasting 3 sec.
Ice Cover: The ground in a large area becomes covered in ice, allowing you & all other wizards to move faster for 5 seconds on it. Lasts 5 sec.
Snowstorm: A blizzard encases a medium area, freezing foes for 3 sec.

Blink: You travel as lightning, blinking to another location instantly.
Tornado: You send a whirling tornado lasting 3 sec into the street, sending back foes.
Fly: You are temporarily hoisted into the air, and begin a slow descent back downwards
Chain Lightning - Lightning springs from you, stunning foes for 3 seconds. It will spread to other monsters nearby the target.

Wraith Walk: You become a shadow and walk through enemies unharmed and incorporeal
Turn: For 3-5 sec, you become one with the monsters you wish to defeat. While like this you won’t start any fights.
Nightmare: You send out terrors that drive nearby foes away for 3 sec, does not affect undead.

Teleport: You create a teleport portal to another location you can see. For 3 sec other wizards can utilize the portal as well.
Banish: You cast out one foe into another realm for 3 seconds when they reappear where they were.
Earthquake: The ground erupts underneath you, all monsters caught in the radius are stunned for 3 sec.

Entangle: Nature and vines spring from the ground, encasing caught foes in a medium area, stunning them for 3 sec.
Life Gift: You summon blessings of life to aid you. 1-3 (randomly decided) health wisps appear around you.

Tranquility: You achieve perfect harmony and move through foes unprovoked for 3-5 sec.
Compelled: You target one creature in sight and force them to immediately fight you ignoring other nearby monsters.
Command: You fill your voice with power and command all nearby monsters in a medium area to stop. They are stunned for 3 sec.


Adding something like this would also open the possibility of new challenges to be added into the game. Maybe in a dungeon there are monster who always move towards you seeking to fight and you have to use these abilities to avoid them. Or new puzzles where you have to get creative with your Crowd Magic to overcome them and complete the dungeon.

I know this is just an idea, but I wanted to share it because I think it could really add to the game. Development of a system like this would probably be intense, but it would make for a new way to interact with monsters that doesn't kill them but would still be enjoyable. But in the end, it's just and idea I wanted to share!