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Monstrology ideas?

May 29, 2015
One of the things I'd most like to see in this game is more monstrological creatures, specifically a few more creature classes that look AMAZING and that I'd love to have has house guests, mostly. All the Undead ones are see-through and most else you can extract is very limited, so here are a few ideas!
Shadow weavers! In my opinion, these are the best looking monsters in the entire game, and compared to some others there aren't even that many of them, so I'd love to see and extract these.
Draconians! It's a bit of a smaller group, even then shadow weavers, but they also look great and I'd love to see them extractable.
Deer! This is just an opinionated thing but I love all the deer.
Shadow creatures! (Shadow Sentinels, Seraphs, Shrikes and Tricksters) These could also be classified with the Shadow Weavers as just shadows, but these also look great!

My favorites are the shadow weavers and the other shadowy things, but the other stuff would be awesome too!
What does everyone else think?