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Death Spell Mechanic Idea

Jul 12, 2014
I saw the post from the devs twitter account about new spell mechanics and I twitter, so I don't even know if this is an ok place to put it up, but I just wanted to share it and see what anyone might think of this.
But basically what I was thinking was a death spell, since death is like reanimation of the dead and spirits, so I was thinking of a spell, more of a utility spell in itself than a spell after effect, so I think that if they were to do what they did in Avalon, add utility spells for all the schools at once, this would work great, but basically it would work as kind of an opposite to guardian spirit where instead of being healed/revived after being defeated, if this spell is cast (I was thinking of something like Beyond the Grave or something like that) you aren't healed, but you can still cast the spell you selected the turn you were defeated, so kind of like one last action before you actually die, giving you the chance to attack those that did you in or one last trap/blade for your team before you bite the dust.

I hope that that kind of made sense, and I just wanted to put my idea out there.

P.S.-I do a little PvP, but not that much, so honestly I don't really know how this would factor in with turn based PvP, so I do realize that it would be a bit much getting the extra turn in turn based, but I was just coming from a PvE perspective cause there have been a lot of times where I was gonna scarecrow, or fossil or some final hit, only to be taken out by the boss that went first.

mvaldes2214 on Aug 10, 2020 wrote:
I saw the post from the devs twitter account about new spell mechanics and I twitter, so I don't even know if this is an ok place to put it up, but I just wanted to share it and see what anyone might think of this.
But basically what I was thinking was a death spell, since death is like reanimation of the dead and spirits, so I was thinking of a spell, more of a utility spell in itself than a spell after effect, so I think that if they were to do what they did in Avalon, add utility spells for all the schools at once, this would work great, but basically it would work as kind of an opposite to guardian spirit where instead of being healed/revived after being defeated, if this spell is cast (I was thinking of something like Beyond the Grave or something like that) you aren't healed, but you can still cast the spell you selected the turn you were defeated, so kind of like one last action before you actually die, giving you the chance to attack those that did you in or one last trap/blade for your team before you bite the dust.

I hope that that kind of made sense, and I just wanted to put my idea out there.

P.S.-I do a little PvP, but not that much, so honestly I don't really know how this would factor in with turn based PvP, so I do realize that it would be a bit much getting the extra turn in turn based, but I was just coming from a PvE perspective cause there have been a lot of times where I was gonna scarecrow, or fossil or some final hit, only to be taken out by the boss that went first.
This is a great place to post in the forums on ideas and suggestions! Do you have the link still to the tweet our dev made? We can link it to your subject for reference.

Jul 12, 2014
Sparck. on Aug 10, 2020 wrote:
This is a great place to post in the forums on ideas and suggestions! Do you have the link still to the tweet our dev made? We can link it to your subject for reference.
Ya, here's the link to it: https://twitter.com/Wizard101Devs/status/1285666660872052737
Thanks so much!

mvaldes2214 on Aug 11, 2020 wrote:
Ya, here's the link to it: https://twitter.com/Wizard101Devs/status/1285666660872052737
Thanks so much!
Excellent, looks like we already shared it on our main Wizard101 Twitter account. Thanks!