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House dungeons need the team up filter

Feb 26, 2009
I understand that house dungeons are supposed to be unique in the sense of its supposed to be difficult to even get a team to do them. However, getting the exalted krokopatra hat and rattlebones robe on my ice was a miserable experience due to the fact that not only did I have to farm for the dungeons for days, but then find other people to do them throughout the commons. I'm not sure how this could be seamlessly implemented but there needs to be a better way for wizards to do these duels other than hoping you find someone else that has one or painstakingly searching for people to do them with you.

hotdog3291999 on Aug 14, 2020 wrote:
I understand that house dungeons are supposed to be unique in the sense of its supposed to be difficult to even get a team to do them. However, getting the exalted krokopatra hat and rattlebones robe on my ice was a miserable experience due to the fact that not only did I have to farm for the dungeons for days, but then find other people to do them throughout the commons. I'm not sure how this could be seamlessly implemented but there needs to be a better way for wizards to do these duels other than hoping you find someone else that has one or painstakingly searching for people to do them with you.
The feedback is solid, this is something we're always looking to try and improve. Fortunately, there's a few ways we can go about better connecting players.

Jun 25, 2014
Sparck. on Aug 14, 2020 wrote:
The feedback is solid, this is something we're always looking to try and improve. Fortunately, there's a few ways we can go about better connecting players.
We need this badly... I am always alone at my place with no one to run the dungeons my regulars are never on... Its sad since i got a great set up for the dungeons.. The team up would give my home more use.