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Idea: Create a better public teamup and player system.

Apr 15, 2017
One of the various things about Wiz that makes the current state of the game unfun to play is the inconsistency in certain areas of the game in terms of getting people who you might need for content. There are various reasons to need players for certain things and here are some of the reasons:

1. As endgame content gets significantly harder due to the monsters getting access to better spells and better stats you need players who can survive and offer your team either damage or support.

2. Certain areas of the game require full teams that know the cheats of the content they are doing and having a player who doesn't know them can significantly affect the state of a run.

3. Players getting a free ride when you are doing dungeons only to either afk or not offer any support to your team while the run is going and only join the battle to get the drops. This is majorly frustrating as stated above you lose a slot for a potentially competent or active player to be there. These people can ruin an entire run by either A. Not using a specific spell needed for a specific period of time in a fight. B. Use up traps or blades maliciously or ignorantly completely decreasing potential damage done to an enemy C. Trigger a cheat unnecessarily by not heeding the words of fellow teammates and completely putting the team at risk.

These things are getting clearer and clearer that they need to be fixed in certain areas of the game and not allow players to casually ignore the game by getting carried off the backs of people who dont want to necessarily do these things. Luckily there are various ways to fix this that can be implement rather easily if KI decides to hunker down and insert some code. Heres some of the things that could be done to make the game's grind easier:

1. Create another teamup overhaul that adds the options to open a specific instance in which you can request certain things or players. By this I mean in the teamup you can checkmark things like:
1. Looking for high resist.
2. Looking for high outgoing.
3. Looking for experts or knowledgeable players.
4. Looking for high damage.
5. Looking for supports (with a blade symbol).
6. Looking for help clearing.
This way people can see whether or not they are needed and not have a full team of players that are all life death or storm and have to leave teamup to find another team or restart a run. This also helps new players seek out help for content they cant clear and allows them to specific what they want. This way everyone is happy and people dont have to suffer trying to get players for certain things.

2. Put gear requirements for content. Now hear me out before you start raging on me, while I advocate the freedom to experience the game as you want to an extent, I am a firm believer that people who do not wish to try to learn and only join teamups are leeching off people who try to play the game. I believe that if I had the capacity to farm certain gear out any other player does as well. With the amount of access to crafted gears and dropped gears its realistic enough that at some point you should be fully competent enough to have decent enough gear to do content with. I as a hardcore player do not whatsoever expect players to have perfect stats upon entering and doing dungeons for gear, as thats the entire point of doing the dungeons. However, when players with gear that is completely off the charts in terms of the content try to attempt to do the content and are being unhelpful to a team, I again find it unfair that the people who do try to do the content have to do the work for them. Basically have a system to where the minimum gear requirements for certain things are present in order to do them, in example darkmoor. By this I mean when farming darkmoor you at least need to have a certain amount of gear or have farmed a certain amount of gear to try grinding in bigger teams. I've many a time came across players using dropped mob gear from story that puts them at less than 50% damage at 100 when most players can reach up to 90% if they are competent in playing the game. This way it teaches players how to play the game ffectively and gets them into the grind earlier on. The main cons of this is that people who only want to do such content to get it over with will be severely limited, however I find it necessary when considering the influx of max wizards with less favorable gear.

3. Create a player favorability system, this is a system that increases the likelihood you play with competent players by associating them in to different groups of spawns. When you complete a run in a dungeon whether through teamup or sigil, at the end of the dungeon you get offered a rating system that basically can either be:

1. One through five stars and the lower the rating the less likely you are to see them in your runs. This also applies to the players profile, basically you start at 5* and go lower or stay based on the amount of rating you get by grinding. The lower your rating the more likely you are to be placed with lower rated people. This encourages players to become competent or stay the same and suffer. In an effort to make it less likely to be abused it will only pop up during first time meetups with players.

2. Have a check system to where at the end of a run you can check yes or no in terms of whether or not this player was someone you'd run with again. If no the player will not be put in your next runs and have decreased favorability. This will also affect your profile but not as steeply as you won't be paired with unfavorable people unless you are in the negatives by dislike ratio.

Basically create a favorability system that punishes players who dont want to play the game and rewards the ones who do. While people may have some gripes its sure to make your runs more effective in the future as you are more likely to get decent people.