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School of Focus Change & Castle unbind elixirs

Jan 07, 2018
With all the wonderful advancements that Wizards101 is currently making and planning to make... I would ABSOLUTELY love to see a game actually conquer the whole obligatory Once you make it a.k.a.(pick a class) your stuck with it scenario and code a way for us to undo our horrible rushed wrongs. Case and Point : My very first toon i was oblivious, (clueless to the game play, character choices, and realizing on how to put a well-put together character, so it could be executed to full potential) and now I am almost half-way to being maxed level and I have the wrong house bound to said character BUT the best idea for my original and first created toon. I DO NOT want to have to level a whole new character and repurchase the same exact castle I have already purchased, just to see my much desired character come to fruition. I know with game coding that is like one of THE hardest things to crack but at the very least if it is a feat no one can change then i think at the very least you guys can come up with a castle unbind elixir ;)