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Scion of Life Spell

Oct 06, 2008
This is literally the worst life spell I've ever seen. I understand they don't want to give life wizards a damage spell that's equal to the other schools, but they reached a new low with this spell. It's less than worthless in pvp, pve, and even when healing as a jaded life. They gave every other school something useful and life got a spell that no one will ever use. what are the odds they'll remake it into something useful? maybe lessen the pips required? add a Mass triage component to the spell? or make it give everyone a shadow pip? cast a mass entangle? or give everyone a 1200 absorb? anything that will make it useful in anyway shape or form.

May 30, 2012
I think a good way to improve this spell, is to include an aoe heal aspect. From what I can tell, currently the HOT is specific to the player you cast it on, and on top of this the base 300 HOT is the only thing that makes it better than an 11 pip cost Dryad. If they made the HOT heal the entire team and maybe even increase how much that HOT heals, I think that the spell would be worthy of it's 11 pip cost.

Oct 06, 2008
krokluck on Apr 23, 2020 wrote:
I think a good way to improve this spell, is to include an aoe heal aspect. From what I can tell, currently the HOT is specific to the player you cast it on, and on top of this the base 300 HOT is the only thing that makes it better than an 11 pip cost Dryad. If they made the HOT heal the entire team and maybe even increase how much that HOT heals, I think that the spell would be worthy of it's 11 pip cost.
The problem with HOT is if there's no initial heal before it, it can't be used to revive wizards. also for that many pips it has to atleast give them enough health to live long enough to benifit from the HOT. 300 will only keep them alive long enough to get hit and die again and leave you without pips and a dead teamate. I think a good solution would be to make it damage a single enemy and cast aoe HOTs on teamate like wings of fate. make it slightly weaker damage than other schools so it doesn't overpower life.