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Spell ideas focusing on Myth

Nov 23, 2013
before I begin I would like to note that grendles amends should be 4 pips, anyway hi my wizards name is Nicholas mythrider and im a myth wizard and im here to share some ideas that hopefully will get realized and comes to be.

my first idea is typhoon a seven pip aoe myth spells ( shadow pip optional ) typhoon wil attack everyone 3 times with one of the hits damage begin a fixed 500 moon damage ( chanting fixed 500 optional ) the first hits damage will be 150 and the third hit 850 and with a 300 chant all together will be 300 first hit 500 fixed moon damage so this hit will 100% pierce the enemy and the last hit will be 950. having it break a shield before attacking is also optional as in up for developers

for those who don't know typhoon is the father of monsters a giant hulking creature of snakes and flame, I believe this is a very reasonable spell also its damage as well as the 500 wont be effected by a chant and giving myth the ablility to strike 3 times.

I really want to dive into the myth mythos with this one as I think a myth spell called double trouble would be great as it allows the caster to split his health down the middle with his copy he has summoned, this copy will not have shadow but does have half the stats as the caster without splitting the stats only the health so a wizard with 8k will have 4k along with the copy and the copy will have half the stats the original has without the caster losing any. if the copy dies within 6 turns a portion of health and pips will be giving to original and if caster dies before copy within 6 turns the copy will become the caster gaining the the full pips and health the caster had becoming the caster himself and developing shadow (optional for caster to lose shadow for duration of active minion ) 6-7 pip summon( caster is also allowed to play hand of minion with a smaller deck of whats already in main casters deck optional )

the last spell idea I shall leave off on is a myth version of tempest with an option to be aoe or single hit and with full pips can still pips from every enemy present as aoe and as a single hit damage increases by 150. base damage for this spell will be 90 plus a chant of 300 will be 390 and as single will be 540, as for a name I haven't the slightest clue maybe mythic crash as I want it to look like tempest but with galaxy looking water as if space itself was crashing down on you with the pressure and vaccum of space if that makes sense, black starry water temp for better visual.
names do matter maybe spacial anomaly. idk but im looking forward to hearing back from you guys and what you think or thought of the spells and yes I do have more than just myth spell ideas im just a myth fanatic lol please don't mind my spelling errors and grammer mistakes this has been a dream of mine for quiet some time, please feel free to contact me about anything wizard related im more than happy to hear what you all have to say thank you.