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Stitchable Mounts

Jan 05, 2011
Ever since the release of the Ghulture Mounts in the Ghulture's Hoard Pack, I have been eager to get the mount for my wizard. However, I am in love with the aesthetic of the Crystal Unicorn Mount, and the Ghulture overall does not fit my wizard's aesthetic. Since mounts can give both stats for your wizard, and a physical appearance, (like all stitchable items - hat, robe, boots, wand) I think it would make sense to be able to stitch mounts, so that you can rock whatever appearance you want, while having which ever stats you want. Additionally, with the new UI in the game, it makes it easy to see where the wizard you are viewing got the appearance mount, as well as where they got the stat mount.

Thanks :)

Dylan Shadowsinger