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Halston Balestrom's "Strange Frequencies" questline errors

Sep 24, 2009
Available for Storm Wizards after Dragonspyre, this quest has many lines where the voice actors don't say what the subtitles say. This excerpt is from the very beginning, although some other characters like Blad Raveneye also don't say the correct words.

What the text says:"Have you gotten a Galvatronic Resonator Crystal from Blad Raveneye on Triton Avenue yet? The mystery of this mysterious signal is tormenting me!" "The Crystal failed before I managed to make out the message. I'll need a new Galvatronic Resonator to reacquire the signal!" "The Mill in Triton Avenue fashions all manner of specialized Crystals - I'm sure Blad Raveneye has a Galvatronic Resonator Crystal he can spare." "Would you be so good as to fetch the Crystal for me? Take this note to Blad Raveneye, and he'll do the rest." "Once you have the Crystal, come back and wire it into the Omni Audio-Graph. Then we'll get to the bottom of this mystery! Off you go now!"
What the voice actor says:
"I no sooner switched it on when it began to convey a garbled message. I could barely make it out over the static!" "If the device were in a better location, the reception would be much clearer! That is where you come in." "Can you activate my Resonating Omni-Audiograph near Blad Raveneye's mill on Triton Avenue? That's the best location for a signal." "I sent it along already, and Blad has set it up for you. We only need a talented wizard like yourself to activate it, and see what comes through." "He can tell you where to activate it. When you scan the signal, please return here and let me know what you heard."