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Ion Wind Not Working As Intended

Jul 18, 2016
Hello Wizards of Ravenwood and graduates of Ravenwood! Just recently, I was taking advantage of the "Back to School sale" and I got the two pieces of gear that I wanted for my storm wizard, Halston's Eureka Hat (with Ion Wind card) and Halston's Stormy Slippers! I was so happy to have gotten the pieces of gear that I wanted and as I was questing with my new gear, I found a game-breaking bug. I found out that the card that the hat comes with, Ion Wind, is bugged. Let me read to you guys what Ion Wind says. Ion Wind: "Plus 7% critical per pip to the next storm ATTACK spell for self only." Well, as I'm in Avalon and was facing a major boss, I used a full power pip Ion Wind to have 98% critical chance for my next Catch of the Day, Calypso, or Catalan spell to finish off the boss until my pet's may cast Healing Current triggered my Ion Wind buff. First off, this isn't right because it is physically impossible to critical with a pet may cast. I then did some test runs of Ion Wind in Unicorn Way against some Lost Souls and I used full power pip Ion Wind again for another 98% critical chance. After that, I myself (not my pet), casted a Healing Current spell, and for some strange reason, it triggered my Ion Wind buff even though Healing Current is clearly NOT an attack. Please, for those of you who have Halston's Eureka Hat (with the Ion Wind card), use Ion Wind, then use Healing Current. For some strange reason, Healing Current keeps triggering my Ion Wind critical buff even though it's not even an attack. Can someone please look into this bug and fix Ion Wind so it works as intended on the card and make it not trigger off of Healing Current? For some reason, Healing Current is coded as an attack, which is weird.

Blaze StormSword (Level 84 Diviner, Lore Spell Enthusiast, Promethean Crafter)