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Nightbringer triggered early by pet maycasts

Jun 06, 2009
I was farming Fellspawn with a team, and the one guy started the whole Nightbringer -> bubble routine. He casts his hit with Nightbringer, and everything's going fine. Next round he casts the global, but before his turn comes, his pet interrupt casts a maycast (Unicorn). After the maycast, he then proceeds to interrupt cast his Nightbringer hit... in the middle of the round, before his turn. That meant that he didn't get to cast the bubble beforehand, so the entire run was a waste.
I don't know if this was intentional, but it just seems so wrong that a pet's maycast would trigger the Nightbringer spell. It's not you that's interrupting the cycle, it's your pet. This definitely doesn't seem intentional, and I would really appreciate it if y'all could look into this.