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Summer Update Bugs - Potentially

Jan 16, 2010
(Caution, contains quest spoilers below!)

So, I've got a level 21 Balance who has already done Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane, obviously. I went back to see what changes there might be in the areas, since the Summer Update was just put into the game. I was able to complete the Fire Kitty quest without very many problems, although the only bug I saw in that quest (and I'm not sure if this is by design or not), was you could only get the kitties in a specific order. I'm not sure why it has you get the kitty by Wormguts, and then you have to backtrack to the Fireglobe Theater kitty?

Also, there is a quest in the Dark Cave that can't seem to be activated. There are students in globes?

Is the fire kitty quest, does anyone know, the only quest those of us who have completed Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane, can get and complete?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Potential Bug:

The Animus Icon appears intermitantly when joining a battle late.

It also appears that if you join the battle late and pick a spell it doesn't actually cast and makes you pass...

The Kitten quest also was giving me issues. Some kittens have numbers and others don't, but also it appeared like I couldn't get a cat I found because I didn't find it "in order".

To answer Hamileda: i don't know specifically, but there are some quests in Cyclops Lane from the guards and the new student. The Dark Cave Bubble students are from the mainline new quest.