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Bread Crumb Bugs & Castle Magic Bugs

Jul 11, 2009
I love the addition of Castle Magic but I feel like there is still a lot that could be updated or finished still, it hasn't seemed like KI has touched Castle Magic in years. I keep running into bugs that make my hard work decorating seem like it was almost for nothing.

With bread crumbs they can be super buggy especially when multiple people port into your house. I have lots of bread crumbs to get mounts, pets, house guests to stand still but when someone ports in besides me they appear to be facing the wrong direction or don't stay put. If I set a path for something to go with bread crumbs, when multiple people join in an area of the house pets, house guests will sometimes walk outside of the path they are given or skip bread crumbs in the path I gave them. I have bugs where I give bread crumbs the bored option to make the pet/house guest a bored animation but sometimes the animation will not show and they just stand there or are bugged and wont stay where the bread crumb is. A very very common bug for me especially when I have multiple things on bread crumbs is the targeted pet/house guest keeps running forever even though they are not assigned to another bread crumb they just stand there running nonstop. It also seems like different things show for each person so I never know if its completely buggy for someone else or its fine for me and not for them. it seems like bread crumbs trigger differently for each person joining in and sometimes things fix themselves over time or some things just stand there or keep walking around super bugged out.
Another set of items that just do not work with bread crumbs are the Candy Car and Yuletide Cargo Cars. It is super unfortunate that I bought these with crowns and have seen many posts on forums saying how buggy these are but after many years they still are not fixed. It almost feels impossible to set a path for these to go or to connect multiple of them because they just will not work as intended or will not work with bread crumbs at all. Such a shame...

For castle magic the make translucent spell always seems to bug out when I use it on housing items. If I use it on furniture or outdoor stuff, etc, the magic start detector doesn't make it work and magic room detectors doesn't make it work unfortunately. I love using that castle magic spell and often use it to make things look spookier or have a different look or theme. When I enter an area most of the time it just does not work until I go to the placement settings and quit out to reset everything, I have to do this every time to make the castle magic spell work for many things. It is just mainly this castle magic spell that I notice not working right. It usually seems to function right when I use it on house guests or pets but for different types of things like chairs, fish tanks, etc it wont work in an area when it is supposed to.