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Storm Titan is TOO OP

Dec 13, 2008
I believe part of the issue is that while people are claiming they don't want it to be a walk in the park, I think any of these suggested nerfs would do just that for a part of the community. If you nerfed the fight so that anyone could complete it regardless of what gear, school or team they're using, then the fight immediately becomes a walk in the park for those of us who put time and effort into choosing what gear, school and team we use. I'm not sure exactly what the solution is, but appealing to one of these groups immediately disqualifies the other group from participating. Perhaps the best solution would be to introduce two different versions of the same fight to allow both of these groups to get what they're seeking - a very challenging fight for one group and access to the rest of the story for the other.

Feb 28, 2014
Cat Wildbreeze on Jan 25, 2019 wrote:
The fight is NOT HARD.
It just takes someone that knows how to do it, I said it before and I will say it again.
You need a death wizard to spam juju.
You need a hitter
and the other two support the hitter with blades and prepare to kill the minions.
The hitter has to use a dot hit.
There is a full explanation of the way to make this fight easy by Final Bastion on the internet.
I have done it on all my seven wizards and have found several other people that know how to do it.
Dont give up.
The battle may not be hard for you and for some but it is for many others. I'm glad to hear you can beat him and have the knack to do it but others who have a difficult time are not you or some others. Not everyone has your knack: skills, luck, gifted, telanted. Yes the fight does need a Death wizard with Bad Juju but what if there isn't one available at the time you team up? how many hours of game time wiil we spend waiting and looking to find the right team and willing to help you? How enjoyable it that? Telling people to look it up and learn the strategy with a required team helps but known to be easier said then done. I've read the Final Bastion and I find it very helpful but not everyone has the game time and patients to look things up everytime they run in to difficulties. They want to play, get as far as they can and level up fast. Sums of people may need to be shown other than reading about it.

Feb 28, 2014
This game is for different people with different strategy and playstyle to have thier fun. What's easy for you may be difficult for others regardless how much a person tries to win by researching battles to know the cheats and using different strategies. Everyone has their own taste of what's an enjoyable gameplay. Some people want a walk in the park while others want a hardcore battle . Yet how do we define "A walk in the park" battle when it's very opinionated. Hard is also opinionated. Some may think long battles, getting defeated more than once, using a strategy outside their comfort zone, etc... can be known as a hard battle and not enjoyable while others say they are comforable and the fight is enjoyable making it easy for them. We all have to be comfortable with ourselves and our wizards and willing to make adjustments when possible at the time allowed to enjoy the game. That is why Kingsisle nerf battles and worlds so we all get a share to have fun.

Aug 03, 2015
Patrick Ravenbane on Feb 1, 2019 wrote:
This game is for different people with different strategy and playstyle to have thier fun. What's easy for you may be difficult for others regardless how much a person tries to win by researching battles to know the cheats and using different strategies. Everyone has their own taste of what's an enjoyable gameplay. Some people want a walk in the park while others want a hardcore battle . Yet how do we define "A walk in the park" battle when it's very opinionated. Hard is also opinionated. Some may think long battles, getting defeated more than once, using a strategy outside their comfort zone, etc... can be known as a hard battle and not enjoyable while others say they are comforable and the fight is enjoyable making it easy for them. We all have to be comfortable with ourselves and our wizards and willing to make adjustments when possible at the time allowed to enjoy the game. That is why Kingsisle nerf battles and worlds so we all get a share to have fun.
Let's be realistic here, it's the final world, the final area and the final boss and what? Your surprised the boss is hard?

You may find the boss difficult enough but it's a little something called "hard effort". Not everything can be easy, yes, and not everything can be nerfed. I understand the boss may seem hard but please explain to me the point of playing Wizard101 if there isn't an insanely difficult boss to fight. Without having to spend hours of strategy planning, looking for a team, finding the right gear to use, the game would seem very boring. If the boss was nerfed to the point where he was easily beatable or possibly solo-able then the finale wouldn't seem like a finale at all, more like another day at the office.

Also you forget about the fact that the storm titan drops some of the best level 130 gear in the game, mastery amulets, good reagents and rare treasure cards and your in favor of making all that easily obtainable?

The fact that this boss is incredibly hard is the reason why I play this game. There should be more bosses like this

Nov 08, 2009
Patrick Ravenbane on Feb 1, 2019 wrote:
This game is for different people with different strategy and playstyle to have thier fun. What's easy for you may be difficult for others regardless how much a person tries to win by researching battles to know the cheats and using different strategies. Everyone has their own taste of what's an enjoyable gameplay. Some people want a walk in the park while others want a hardcore battle . Yet how do we define "A walk in the park" battle when it's very opinionated. Hard is also opinionated. Some may think long battles, getting defeated more than once, using a strategy outside their comfort zone, etc... can be known as a hard battle and not enjoyable while others say they are comforable and the fight is enjoyable making it easy for them. We all have to be comfortable with ourselves and our wizards and willing to make adjustments when possible at the time allowed to enjoy the game. That is why Kingsisle nerf battles and worlds so we all get a share to have fun.
I offered my help and was hanging around the commons waiting for someone to show. No one showed up.
SO, I will offer you the same. I am on eastern time, tell me where and when we can meet and what realm. I will be glad to do the Storm titan with you.

Feb 28, 2014
Trigon101060 on Feb 2, 2019 wrote:
Let's be realistic here, it's the final world, the final area and the final boss and what? Your surprised the boss is hard?

You may find the boss difficult enough but it's a little something called "hard effort". Not everything can be easy, yes, and not everything can be nerfed. I understand the boss may seem hard but please explain to me the point of playing Wizard101 if there isn't an insanely difficult boss to fight. Without having to spend hours of strategy planning, looking for a team, finding the right gear to use, the game would seem very boring. If the boss was nerfed to the point where he was easily beatable or possibly solo-able then the finale wouldn't seem like a finale at all, more like another day at the office.

Also you forget about the fact that the storm titan drops some of the best level 130 gear in the game, mastery amulets, good reagents and rare treasure cards and your in favor of making all that easily obtainable?

The fact that this boss is incredibly hard is the reason why I play this game. There should be more bosses like this
I am being very realizitic. I never said I was surprised about the final battle in the final world but that is besides the point. We all have our own opinons on this matter and I speak in mine leading to facts and what i said are facts about those playing are differnent people with diferent playstyle and intersests for an enjoyable game play. is the reason why Kingsisle do their business by nerfing and making adjustments so every player can have their share of fun. I'm aware of the drops. But drops is not the real issue here. What we all have to remember is this game is for everyone, NOT just the top best players with the best playstye causing nerfswhich been proven over again probably since the game begin My posts expained it clearly.

Feb 28, 2014
Cat Wildbreeze on Feb 2, 2019 wrote:
I offered my help and was hanging around the commons waiting for someone to show. No one showed up.
SO, I will offer you the same. I am on eastern time, tell me where and when we can meet and what realm. I will be glad to do the Storm titan with you.
Thank you for your offer, Cat Wildbreeze. I'll be glad to fight by your side. At the monment I'm playing my lower level myth wizard. I haven't played him for awhile. So I'm taking a break from higher level worlds for now. I'll keep you in mind when I need help. Thanks again for your offer

Jul 01, 2009
Sparck. on Jan 7, 2019 wrote:
Quick check to see how everyone is feeling about the Storm Titan now?
Still can't find the right team to get past him so I am waiting for a nerf. Hope he's nerfed enough so it doesn't take such a specialized team to defeat him. I wish we could just pay crowns to get past these battles so that I, and others who feel as I do, could continue with the story. Either that, or have difficulty settings so more people could continue and not get stuck. For every player who quits because they get stuck, is less money in KI's pocket.

May 30, 2010
Black Pearl on Feb 12, 2019 wrote:
Still can't find the right team to get past him so I am waiting for a nerf. Hope he's nerfed enough so it doesn't take such a specialized team to defeat him. I wish we could just pay crowns to get past these battles so that I, and others who feel as I do, could continue with the story. Either that, or have difficulty settings so more people could continue and not get stuck. For every player who quits because they get stuck, is less money in KI's pocket.
Hey Black Pearl. I have a couple of friends and myself that would help you. Just tell what school you are. You usually need a fire, storm, death, and any in the battle. The any has have Fire blade tc and elements blade tc and also regular and sharpen elements blades.

I am going stream it on the 14th so you can ask there too

Feb 28, 2014
Sparck. on Jan 7, 2019 wrote:
Quick check to see how everyone is feeling about the Storm Titan now?
after reading newer posts on this topic, I realized I didn't speak the point what I was asking for on behalf of others and myself who's having a hard time winning the Storm Titan battle. PLEASE NERF STORM TITAN

Jul 01, 2009
God life wizard on Feb 13, 2019 wrote:
Hey Black Pearl. I have a couple of friends and myself that would help you. Just tell what school you are. You usually need a fire, storm, death, and any in the battle. The any has have Fire blade tc and elements blade tc and also regular and sharpen elements blades.

I am going stream it on the 14th so you can ask there too
I am a jade life that loves to heal and would love to be able to fight the Titan with you. My problem is that my friend group, which consists of an ice and a life (that likes to attack), would be left behind. We have played together for seven years so it would be awful to leave them behind. Up until now, we have gotten thru all the content with just the three of us. It has taken some strategy, but we have been able to do it. Unfortunately, the Storm Titan has stopped us in our tracks. It doesn't sound like any of us are the right schools. Not even sure if I am wanted being a life, altho I suppose a healer could be useful.

My beef with this battle is that it seems certain schools will be left behind if they don't fit the strategy needed to win. For that reason, I'm not sure that you could help us do it with two lifes and an ice as the rest of your team, and I can't leave my friends behind. Not sure what the solution is here unless Ki nerfs it, gives a crown option to pass it, or does some kind of difficulty scale.

Thank you for your offer and I might take you up on it, with your own team, if my friends decide this game is no longer for them. It breaks my heart that I might have to leave them behind just to progress thru the story. I'm not sure I have the heart to do that to them.

Jan 19, 2010
They must of changed the difficulty because last night me a death another death and a storm did it in one try. The other death and I took turns spamming juju and helping to buff the storm.I don't mean to brag, but like I said I think KI did something to make it less difficult.

Aug 03, 2014
Chelseawhisper on Mar 5, 2019 wrote:
They must of changed the difficulty because last night me a death another death and a storm did it in one try. The other death and I took turns spamming juju and helping to buff the storm.I don't mean to brag, but like I said I think KI did something to make it less difficult.
Well done!

I think a big point being made is that it is extremely difficult without a death wizard spamming juju though, and you had two. The battle is very difficult without juju, which pretty much limits it to death wizards - juju TC is hard to obtain and no auction, plus it takes 3 pips so spamming it from an off-school wizard is limited to those with mastery.

Congratulations on succeeding first try!

Oct 29, 2011
While a Death spamming Juju makes it so much easier, it's not 100% necessary.
I beat the boss with Storm, Ice, Fire, Life. Fire blades up storm and then himself. Ice uses legion shield and TC legion shield + tower on those who are weaker just before the huge trident hit, life heals everyone back up after every cheat hit. Storm hits boss for 40k, and fire immediately takes out minions when they spawn, before they Earthquake.

It's hard, but definitely not impossible.

Nov 26, 2016
I really don't think it's that difficult. When part 2 came out and I was farming the titan, most of the people complaining had not so great gear, and/or flatly refused to follow the proper fight mechanics. While I understand that getting good gear can be time consuming and frustrating, especially if you're casual, people who just won't follow the strategy or communicate with the group no matter how many times you ask them to do so have no right to complain. That being said, casual players still deserve to be able to enjoy content. But I think there needs to be a better solution than nerfing. Maybe a shortcut to dispel some of the boss's worst cheats?

Jun 13, 2012
Sparck. on Jan 7, 2019 wrote:
Quick check to see how everyone is feeling about the Storm Titan now?
I am using my death and spamming juju and we're hitting him with everything we got and he's immediately reloading all of his hit points. Plus as soon as we put juju and other stuff on him, he immediately erases all of it. We fought him for several hours and died so many times, a single wack taking out the ENTIRE team, that everyone finally said heck with it and quit. He also erased all of the traps we'd put on him as fast as we'd put them on him. His cheats were massive and constant as well. I realize he's a titan so he's not going to be easy, but this has gotten to the point of overpowered and impossible. I can imagine why people are quitting in frustration because they can't defeat him.

Feb 25, 2013
Daniandshali on Mar 30, 2019 wrote:
I am using my death and spamming juju and we're hitting him with everything we got and he's immediately reloading all of his hit points. Plus as soon as we put juju and other stuff on him, he immediately erases all of it. We fought him for several hours and died so many times, a single wack taking out the ENTIRE team, that everyone finally said heck with it and quit. He also erased all of the traps we'd put on him as fast as we'd put them on him. His cheats were massive and constant as well. I realize he's a titan so he's not going to be easy, but this has gotten to the point of overpowered and impossible. I can imagine why people are quitting in frustration because they can't defeat him.
You just gotta have the strats down man. Search on final bastion, they tell you everything. Your main hitter should have minimum 10-11 blades on him and use a DoT and you will be fine.

Oct 11, 2010
1 simple change would help for people who just use 1 hitter. Allow the titan to be hittable when minions are active.

Dec 31, 2009
Instead of spending 3 hours being defeated by an end game boss, maybe spend 10 minutes looking up a guide and preparing for the battle?

People say they are casual and do not have time for all this, but honestly if you factor in how much time you waste dying, looking for a guide saves you in the long run.

Oct 15, 2008
when everybody quits because there isn't a death and storm wizard in the group should be an indicator that something is wrong with a fight. Kings Isle is making this game into a disappointment making the fights harder and harder using tactics that are near impossible to overcome using normal group compliments. restricting available positions to mandatory death and storm wizards with little else being brought to the fight by other wizards is wrong.

Knock it off with the cheater bosses and get back to some sense of normalcy with these fights or give the wizards the ability to pull out a cheat that can tip the balance into the wizards favor. right now, the entire empyrean realm is tipped to the bosses favor requiring players to spend excess crowns on henchman to maybe tip the balance.

Oct 15, 2008
How much money in crowns is this company losing by not letting defeated players roll on second chance loot boxes simply because they decided to make the fight ridiculously difficult. the word ridiculous is the correct word to choose because there are more complaints about this one fight than all other boss fights in the game combined.

Jan 21, 2017
this is all true it toke me like over 50 times just to beat the storm titan
and for the younger players that play wizard101 that boss could upset them
that boss is way too hard

anyways see you in the spiral
Evan Firewalker level 130
Evan Sandwalker level 10
Angel Dayfriend

Aug 03, 2014
waddledede319 on May 10, 2019 wrote:
this is all true it toke me like over 50 times just to beat the storm titan
and for the younger players that play wizard101 that boss could upset them
that boss is way too hard

anyways see you in the spiral
Evan Firewalker level 130
Evan Sandwalker level 10
Angel Dayfriend
Not just younger players, some of us oldies are the biggest moaners out there hahaha

Mar 09, 2018
JewelKI on Jan 27, 2019 wrote:
Please do something. I quit for ~7 weeks because of this one fight. I bought another month of member today because I've got a storm in mooshu, and would like to continue with that, but I will be giving the Titan a few more tries. My main is an ice, and that may be why I don't get a lot of good teams - some schools are quite literally obsolete and cast aside when it comes to runs of this boss. I've basically determined that they are:


Ice far more than Myth, of course, because Myth does have a good King Art. The following is my ranking of the schools needed to complete this fight:

Tier 1:
Yeah if you don't have one of these don't bother. Literally impossible without.

Tier 2:
This is only not tier 1 because just about anyone can be a healer if they have the right amulet. But, a jade life is still good to have. Consider this the top of tier 2.
This is only above Storm because Fire's DOT spells are the main focus of the school as a whole. Naturally, a full-pip Hound with tons of blades can and will do the trick. Or so I think, have yet to see it in action.
Self explanatory. This doesn't have a good DOT spell, but they hit hard enough to where it almost doesn't matter.

Tier 3:
Blades are very good to have, but once more, just about anyone can blade the hitter.

Tier 4:
A good King Art is about as far as this school goes. Not really good for anything other than hitting, and as they are the only Spirit hitting school, they won't be getting many blades to begin with.
Shields and absorbs are cool and all that, but you can't save your whole team by placing a 2k health absorb on every single one of them in the like 5 rounds you have before the Titan yeets you into next week. Very little use outside of being "that guy that survives the 10k hit".
This Storm wizard I mentioned is currently in Pt. 2. My strategy is, if there isn't a fire, I'll blade up and use the Thunderstorm item card my pet gives me. Every school has a pretty solid over-time hit, but some are definitely stronger than others. I personally wouldn't bother doing the hitting job if you're Ice, because our Angel is only so good, or Balance, because they just straight up don't have an over time spell for some reason.

Fire has Hound
Storm has Thunderstorm & Monsoon Hound/Storm Hound [can find in bazaar]
Myth has their King Art
Life has Spinysaur
Death has Skeletal Dragon

May 17, 2019
Well they fixed every thing it use to be way harder

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