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Kembaalung Village fishing

Aug 07, 2012
Don't forget to go fishing when at Kembaalung Village!! I caught 2 new fish there only available their. I don't know if there are any other. I caught a Kid Carp which is rare--ice and a Yakoi which is balance. Also caught a Ninja Fish as well as Mainstream dekoi, deathacuda, mythacuda, icecuda. Treasure chests had only gold and no other stuff(only one line). I'm not complaining as I like the gold but I like the other goodies as well. Have fun!!

Jan 01, 2009
Interesting catches David. Did you catch them in the Test Realm or the Live Realm?

Nov 28, 2010
Now that the dungeons are in the live realm, all of the fish are available in the live realm now.

You'll also find the Paraohmari (Myth) in Upper Zigazag, the Pitbull Shark (Ice) and Royal Gurnard (Fire) in Barkingham Palace, and the Gargoyle Fish (Storm) and Execushiner (Death) in Darkmoor Castle.

The chests vary too. Lots of times you just get gold. I've gotten some chests with just gold and a reagent, but I've also gotten a few with 3 items like we're used to. There is some new, rare gear available.

Aug 07, 2012
I caught them in the live realm on the latest dungeon quest to find the lost expedition. The Kid carp is a porpoise in a hat--very cute. It's a small fish. I found it near the waterfall in a steam. The Yakoi is a yellow orange hairy fish much like a yak. I found it in the larger pond area near the stairway to go up to the temple. The Ninja fish isn't big. It darts around quickly.

Go try it before they close this quest. Good luck.

Jan 01, 2009
Hmmm, seems I am going to have to start crafting some new fish tanks