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Dungeon wont load

Jun 14, 2009
Ok so i have a level 52 ice wizard and im in ds trying to complet a quest called "its an honor". When i enter the crucible and go to the vaults for some odd reason the dungeon entrance pads arnt glowing or loading and i cant beat the quest thus enabling me to beat ds. is there any way kingsile can fix this? i cant send a bug report because i am on my parents email and they wont let me on it. i cant switch the emails becaue i need the parental pass code and i cant get that because once again it wound be sent to my parents email adress! so yea see the delima! :x

Mar 12, 2010
assasin424 wrote:
Ok so i have a level 52 ice wizard and im in ds trying to complet a quest called "its an honor". When i enter the crucible and go to the vaults for some odd reason the dungeon entrance pads arnt glowing or loading and i cant beat the quest thus enabling me to beat ds. is there any way kingsile can fix this? i cant send a bug report because i am on my parents email and they wont let me on it. i cant switch the emails becaue i need the parental pass code and i cant get that because once again it wound be sent to my parents email adress! so yea see the delima! :x

Oh my goodness...this has been asked and answered so many times.

Here is just one example:


It's still broken...

Mar 18, 2009
May 20, 2010
At least it's been a while (two or three days) since we've had a question about the Air Shrine.

Mar 12, 2010
colagada wrote:
At least it's been a while (two or three days) since we've had a question about the Air Shrine.

Now you know that just because you said that, someone is going to ask...