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Earn Crown Button Issues

Oct 19, 2014
I have noticed that any time it says that you have to wait up to three days for crowns that the earning record is never displayed in my account information. My sister has been having the same issue. She looks in her crown history in her account and no record of watching the film is ever there. Neither of us ever get those crowns. However, if you don't receive this message, it seems that the two of us have gotten those crowns. Is this a glitch or will the record and crowns show up in the history later? We were both wondering because I had heard that there were problems with the earn crown button earlier last week.


If it has been more than 3 days and you didn't receive the crowns, you can send an email to support@wizard101.com and they will help you.

Sep 07, 2014
I'm pressing the earn crowns button but no videos come up. It loads but still nothing come up. Please help, I really want crowns to stitch my gear