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IDEA:Crafting Level Requirement

Feb 25, 2009
Crafting should be reserved for Masters at the earliest of level 48 after they have completed their primary school. This could reduce some of the issues as far as being able to find the necessary reagents to craft an item.
Allow Masters to advance the first 2 levels of crafting pryor to becoming a Grand Master. This privilage should be earned for one.

I have seen less questing since crafting began and more rabbit jumping because every one is trying to find and collect those needed reagents.

Allow all the reagents such as plants to grow on our own properties as well as in the Spiral.

The price of many of the reagents is rather high when you reallly look at it.

Coal could be found in areas such as Firecat Alley, Marleybone and Dragonspyre. Dragonspyre especially makes a good place for this reagent.

Firecat Alley would be a good place also for Lava Lillies and Fire Blossoms.

Colossus Blvd Would be a good one for the Frost Flower.

Joining reagents such as the Cat Tails and Water lillies creates a problem as well. What is the point of collecting the Cat Tails if you don't need them,
Make the collectible water lillies White and set them in the water with the Pink ones. Mushrooms and Nightshade, don't need mushroom, but have to collect to get the other. Black Lotus and Black Pearl, same issue. Ore and Diamonds. I currently have a gem cutting table in one of my homes. Make them a workable station and let us collect crystals from Crystal Grove, or use crystals from our crystal racks that some of us already have.

There are any number of ways to fix some of these issues so that it is fun and not just some boring and frustrating chore because we can't find what we need to craft an item.

Many of us Grand Masters have been waiting for something that is exclusive to our level and that will allow us to advance our skills getting ready for the time when the level cap is opened up again.

Please give us a chance to achieve something and enjoy the game again.

May 15, 2009
goldendragon18 wrote:
Crafting should be reserved for Masters at the earliest of level 48 after they have completed their primary school. This could reduce some of the issues as far as being able to find the necessary reagents to craft an item.

That's nuts!

Who would, by design, run around low-level areas to do crafting quests? You can't do them continuously due to slot timers anyway. They are meant to be completed concurrently with your adventuring, interleaved. That way, you get a little variety and a little diversion from the routine. (I don't think Grizzleheim was a good fit for the diversion angle...making it level 50+ content would have made more sense to me and would have added much more value to the game than it does now.)

goldendragon18 wrote:

Allow all the reagents such as plants to grow on our own properties as well as in the Spiral.

I like that idea...a very nice touch...might get me to buy a property. It has to be a small amount of growth though.

goldendragon18 wrote:

Many of us Grand Masters ...
Please give us a chance to achieve something and enjoy the game again.

I don't think depriving the majority of the players of crafting ability (especially since crafting has more practical value to non-grandmasters) for the sake of the minority.

Besides..without competition for resources, you really wouldn't have trade, an economy. (having prices which make no sense sorta hinders economics too)

Feb 25, 2009

I don't think depriving the majority of the players of crafting ability (especially since crafting has more practical value to non-grandmasters) for the sake of the minority.

Ok, I can concede to this, but make the crafting level consistant. If your wizard is an Initiate, the your crafting level is the same. It would make more sense doing it this way. Your crafting level goes up as you level up to the next class in your school.

Besides..without competition for resources, you really wouldn't have trade, an economy. (having prices which make no sense sorta hinders economics too)

I am not saying to do away with the competition for resources, but have you really looked at the price, say for instance healing treasure cards, compared to what we paid for them at the Library before the changes. They were still high but a little more affordable. Or look at the price of something you want to sell compared to the cost of having to buy the same item later. Or reagents that have been sold at the Bazaar. You will get a few gold, some of them 1 gold, then look at the cost to buy it. Is that a fair economy? On some items, I have gotten a better deal by actually going to the original vendors. I also have items that you can not sell at the Bazaar, but are of no use to my wizard. They contain high health and added resistance but are NO TRADE, NO AUCTION.

And as for Grizzleheim. That is a parallel world. Granted it should have been designed for Grand Masters to be able to continue to level up but it also gives some of us that like to solo now and then a chance to hone our skills a little. If we did not FIZZLE so much. But that is another issue.

May 15, 2009
goldendragon18 wrote:

Ok, I can concede to this, but make the crafting level consistant. If your wizard is an Initiate, the your crafting level is the same. It would make more sense doing it this way. Your crafting level goes up as you level up to the next class in your school.

As far as I can tell, this is imposed already since you can't access the next crafting quest until you've completed the adventuring quest first, no?

goldendragon18 wrote:

but have you really looked at the price, say for instance healing treasure cards, compared to what we paid for them at the Library before the changes.

I have yet to use a treasure card, so I can't really comment on that. I did get the impression they were severely overused to the point of circumventing the intent of game mechanics.

goldendragon18 wrote:

Or look at the price of something you want to sell compared to the cost of having to buy the same item later. Or reagents that have been sold at the Bazaar. You will get a few gold, some of them 1 gold, then look at the cost to buy it. Is that a fair economy?

The prices are completely borked, but that's a bazaar issue, not a crafting issue.

goldendragon18 wrote:

They contain high health and added resistance but are NO TRADE, NO AUCTION.

That's to keep those items rare, otherwise the bazaar would be populated with them, undermining their uniqueness.

goldendragon18 wrote:

And as for Grizzleheim. That is a parallel world. Granted it should have been designed for Grand Masters to be able to continue to level up but it also gives some of us that like to solo now and then a chance to hone our skills a little.

I solo the game with my Storm wizard (it does force you to improve, to take new approaches); I duo with my wife using our Death wizards. There are six slots to experiment with. I think GH would have added value by lengthening the game rather than broadening it; it didn't need broadened, but does need to continue. This would put more 'space' in-between finishing the game with one character and creating another character and playing it all again. I imagine this is pretty typical for those who like this game.

Then again, raising the max level would exacerbate the mis-matched level PvP problem; the intent may likely be to keep the cap at 50 until a desired population at that level is reached.

There's a reason KI does things the way they do and we should try to understand the big picture, the context, behind them. (Of course, that one patch there diminished faith a little..heh.)

goldendragon18 wrote:

If we did not FIZZLE so much. But that is another issue.

That is another issue, but not a game mechanic issue, rather a "quit gambling/hurrying and use sound tactics" issue. :P See any of my diatribes on any of the dozen or so fizzle threads. :)