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In'Zhizor's wrong creature sounds during combat

Jun 13, 2011
Good day!

While I was facing Krokotopia's Lower Zigazag's secret boss, In'Zhizor, by using a Stone Skeleton Key, I noticed that In'Zhizor was playing his incorrect creature sounds while he was being hit with spells during combat. I think it's because the sounds he was playing are the previous sounds heard in numerous Kroktopian creatures, like the Nirini bosses & past Kroks, E.G., instead of the proper sounds heard from the recent Krokotopian creatures heard in Lower Zigazag & the House of Scales.

I heard them myself while I was facing him there & compared them in my head. Could you fix In'Zhizor's incorrect creature sounds so he can properly play the correct creature sounds that plays while Wizards hit him with their spells?
