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The Future of W101 Battle (Pips)

Jun 16, 2009
After Grizzleheim had already been introduced into the game, I looked at the message boards to find out that it was originally intended to extend beyond Dragonspyre. I had heard of some people mentioning it for it to be harder, and I began thinking of some ways the battle scene could be upgraded for future releases like that of the proposed (not what it turned out to be) sixth world.

(Space made so it's not just a thick body of text)

First thought: The Power Pip (and ideas for pips in general).
Immediately following that thought: Spell rank threshold beyond 7.

Now why were these my first thoughts? Because they would preferrably be introduced together. The Power Pip, usable for two pips for the school of the wizard it's attached to, would become something of a base line. Normal pips would become less and less a part of a player's use. As the power of monsters increased, the schools would turn to Power Pips, making the second school (and some people have a third as well) obsolete to players challenging higher ranks of monsters.

(Space time again)

Now to my first idea. As an extension of the idea of the Power Pip, a higher power could be generated from Wisdom Pips. It took me a few days to even think of calling them that because finding names for things and having them sound cool isn't always easy. The Wisdom Pips would set their base (their worth to second or third schools of a wizard) at two pips, and their worth for spells from the same school as the wizard would be three pips.

Before I continue with that, my immediate afterthought needs explanation. With Wisdom Pips, the maximum power a player could hold at one time would be multiplied by one and a half for their school, and by two for their other schools. This would allow players to tap into the full power of other schools' spells as they currently stand (for the spells that they are able to learn), their Wisdom Pips acting as other schools' Power Pips. New, stronger spells would need to be added to the game as well.

(Do I need to explain the space? )

BUT, before I go making the upgrade harder for KingsIsle, the % (VERY important) of the CHANCE for getting these pips could be adjusted to limit people from abusing their power until new spells are introduced. Be the % universal or escalating as a player's level increases. As a strong consideration, no new equipment should be made to increase this chance until, again, new spells are created.

Just a thought, that I just thought, Wisdom Pip chance could increase by a % every five levels, ending in 10% at Grandmaster. Or, as an alternative, much like Power Pip chance starts out, Wisdom Pip chance could start at 10% when Grandmaster level is achieved. The latter of these two ideas would make the game more fun for all of those Grandmasters out there, and just now as I think about it would be a very good way to start it out. Wisdom Pips, as a third pip type, would leave the chance percentage a little off-kilter... um, kittywompus... messed up. As a fix, the Wizdom Pip chance would override Power Pip chance:

Normal Pip chance: 100% (always going to get AT LEAST one of these)
Power Pip chance: (just as a figure) 50%
Wisdom Pip chance: 10%

Effect: If a Wisdom Pip were "drawn" it would overtake a Power Pip if it were to be given. As a theoretical figure, after ten turns there would be 5 Normal Pips, 4 Power Pips, and a single Wisdom Pip. This is important to understand so as not to unbalance the fact of 100%, and how it cannot be exceeded.


And now back to pips in general. Since there will always be a chance that you WON'T (capitalization is my emphasis outside of underlining) get Power Pips, and hopefully Wisdom Pips, the number of pips a player could hold would need a conveneint increase as well. The extension could wrap around a larger portion of the front or begin a symetrical pip line across the back, thus the small, quiet end to my idea.

To all of you that had the stamina to read through this: thank you. To all of those that just scanned through this: I recommend you read it in full. And to all of the people that could and may one day make this possible: you have my gratitude. To ANYONE who reads this, tell me what you think. :)

May 08, 2009
I really like this idea.Even as a Magus, you start to realize how it gets harder and harder to summon your second school spells.I like the idea of wisdom pips.I hope KI will soon use this idea.