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We need more Animus Events!

Sep 15, 2013
In my opinion, this would have been better implemented a few years back when most of us were still questing, though, I have been excited about collecting characters. I wish KI would have more double the animus events. It really comes in handy when you're trying to get characters that have a high animus count. Take Undead Malistaire as an example; his animus count is 50 to have him as a house guest, which I desperately want for my Darkmoor estate, but with the way that dungeon is, you can only hope players will stay long enough for you to get to him. I don't know why players make it hard for others with that particular dungeon, but they typically will go into the first boss of that dungeon and then leave. It's constant!!! I tried for three hours the last time we had an animus event and was only able to get one group to go all the way through, not to mention my internet provider was experiencing problems with connections in our area, so I wasn't able to accomplish anything the last time the event was held. I think I'll make another post about the Darkmoor dungeon, but please, give us more animus events!