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pvp stun chainng

Mar 29, 2009
i was wondering if they ever going to stop chain stuning in pvp i dont think its a fair for storm and ice to chiain stun

Aug 12, 2009
willowmaker wrote:
i was wondering if they ever going to stop chain stuning in pvp i dont think its a fair for storm and ice to chiain stun

they are working on the issue right now. Let's see if they can properly fix quake first though, okay? It's still destroying Stun Shields and not destroying Rebirth armors.

May 10, 2010
Johnist wrote:
willowmaker wrote:
i was wondering if they ever going to stop chain stuning in pvp i dont think its a fair for storm and ice to chiain stun

they are working on the issue right now. Let's see if they can properly fix quake first though, okay? It's still destroying Stun Shields and not destroying Rebirth armors.

Ok first off, Johnist, I agree with you, quake should not destroy stun shields.

However, quake should not remove the following:
Prism (Convert)
Spirit Shield
Ice Armor

A Prism is not a charm and Spirit and Ice are Special Absorb damages, not sheilds per say.

Now, to the topic at hand. If, you do not wish to be stunned, there is a spell called absorb next stun, learn it. Or, if you like, there is a spell diego trains that gives 90% stun shield for 4 rounds!

Wow! Let's learn how to play before we learn how to whine, shall we?