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Pagoda Bundle - Unable to Dye gear color

Dec 23, 2009
Hi There,

I’ve recently purchased the Pagoda Bundle from one of your third party vendors. However, I am unable to dye the gear to the color of my liking. Other players who have the same bundle as myself are able to dye theirs, but I am unable too. I’ve sent countless emails inquiring about this as it hurts so much to know I’ve spent $39 for a bundle and I’m not able to dye the color. I went to the dye shop located in the shopping district and to Eloise in commons,

There’s no option! Please help as I’d like to change the color of my gear.

The items are called :
1. Cowl of the sentinel (Hat)
2. Tunic of the sentinel (robe)
3. Sandals of the sentinel (shoes)

Please grant me access and the privilege to dye my gear as other players.

Thank You