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account housing

Dec 22, 2008
I have seen a lot of people thinking that houses should be accessible to more than one wizard on an account. I don't think that that would be a really good option for all houses. However the addition of one certain type of house may be beneficial and the solution to some of the problems with item storage (specifically equipment that can be passed from wizard to wizard ( especially crowns items that you may not want to use currently, but don't want to get rid of because you have paid for them and may want to utilize them again in the future, add in the mini arcade games and so forth, relieving the necessity of making multiple purchases of the same item, so you can use it on more than one wizard). The shared bank would remain as is, the new account house would feature a wardrobe that could hold say 500 items (equipment only) and a stable (for mounts) and kennel (for pets), each holding 100 items, otherwise the account house would hold double the number of items ( inside and out) of the normal luxury estate. It would be accessible to all wizards on the account at any time regardless of level, there would be no gardening. The entire purpose of the account house would be holding items to be passed along without having to take up all the room in your shared bank to do so. Just a thought, I have seen so many people doing exactly as I do, grind for level 10. so you can get into your dorm room and shared bank. I personally like buying some of the seasonal wands, clothing and mounts, but after said season, I like to put them away for next year. I will not throw it away, because I may want to use it again, but it takes up space I really don't have to spare, and searching through six or seven banks to find what you're looking for is a hassle.

Aug 03, 2014
WyldFyre369 on Jun 10, 2019 wrote:
I have seen a lot of people thinking that houses should be accessible to more than one wizard on an account. I don't think that that would be a really good option for all houses. However the addition of one certain type of house may be beneficial and the solution to some of the problems with item storage (specifically equipment that can be passed from wizard to wizard ( especially crowns items that you may not want to use currently, but don't want to get rid of because you have paid for them and may want to utilize them again in the future, add in the mini arcade games and so forth, relieving the necessity of making multiple purchases of the same item, so you can use it on more than one wizard). The shared bank would remain as is, the new account house would feature a wardrobe that could hold say 500 items (equipment only) and a stable (for mounts) and kennel (for pets), each holding 100 items, otherwise the account house would hold double the number of items ( inside and out) of the normal luxury estate. It would be accessible to all wizards on the account at any time regardless of level, there would be no gardening. The entire purpose of the account house would be holding items to be passed along without having to take up all the room in your shared bank to do so. Just a thought, I have seen so many people doing exactly as I do, grind for level 10. so you can get into your dorm room and shared bank. I personally like buying some of the seasonal wands, clothing and mounts, but after said season, I like to put them away for next year. I will not throw it away, because I may want to use it again, but it takes up space I really don't have to spare, and searching through six or seven banks to find what you're looking for is a hassle.
Maybe the Bank Vault House that Kingsteel has designed would be good for this? The thread is HERE and has some great ideas

It could have extended storage to meet the account needs, maybe the option to craft addional vault rooms eg for pets or clothing or reagents etc?

Haing a communal house could be a really cool addition and solve some of the account storage issues