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Add more furniture to the game!

Nov 22, 2015
I like to decorate houses, and I also like to make each house look unique. However, this is becoming harder to do. KingsIsle keeps adding more houses to the game, yet little in the way of new furniture. This means the only way to decorate new houses you buy is to reuse old furniture, but this is no fun because it means my houses start looking like the same house. The new bundle houses that get released always look really cool, but due to the aforementioned issue I haven't purchased any of these houses because chances are I won't be able to decorate them. If KI added more furniture to the game, I would have more incentive to buy bundles from them.

If KI adds new houses to the game, it is essential to add new furniture options. A lot of them, too, since bundle houses tend to be pretty large. One issue is that, starting in Azteca, there is a sharp decline in the amount of world-themed furniture. I suggest adding a lot more furniture to the furniture vendors that are currently lacking - namely the one in Azteca and onwards. Adding furniture sets for all of the worlds after Khrysalis would also be great. Heck, furniture sets could even be added for Pirate101 worlds like Skull Island, Monquista, Valencia, and Cool Ranch. After all, we can obtain music scrolls from these worlds, so why not have furniture sets for them as well? It would also be really cool if bundles had their own unique furniture sets exclusive to the bundle. I would even buy a bundle that didn't come with any house at all, and just gave you a bunch of new furniture.

Please consider this, KingsIsle!

Nov 22, 2015
It would also be cool to have a version of the Emperor's Attic pack for every single world.

Mar 26, 2022
I 100% agree! I love this idea! I decorate houses as well. I would love to have more housing items. If they were to sell housing bundles, I would buy those in a heart beat. Also, can we increase the housing cap? 350 is a lot of items, but some houses are massive.