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Bring Back Awareness

Dec 23, 2009
The first arc revamp is a fantastic idea that we can all hope will attract and keep more players. I personally, have loved the changes thus far and hope to see more in the future. However, this alone cannot bring players TO the game.

When I first started playing, I heard about it from some person in a computer lab and decided to try it. After that, I saw infrequent ads on channels like Nick and Cartoon Network. They were pretty exciting and looked really cool to me at that time, however now they may be outdated.

The only ads I see for the game nowadays are random sidebars on websites. These sidebars are unattractive and aren't typically clicked on very often. I also saw an ad last year on tv that was the EXACT SAME as the one I had seen so long ago. I would have expected that the ad would maybe showcase some new worlds or something, but there was hardly any of that involved.

I don't know the real stats, but I would like to express my concerns about the amount of potential new players that actually know of the game. I think that Kingsisle may benefit from releasing more ads and promotions to reach a larger amount of people. It would make sense to do so after the revamp finishes and release a new ad campaign, but they could also benefit from doing so now and maybe even on a much larger variety of platforms. This could include Youtube videos, Hulu ads, TV ads or other such places. This community could grow and flourish if the older players who left knew of the new worlds and the potential new players could discover it for the first time. I would hate to think that someone would have to grow up without experiencing this one-of-a-kind wizarding adventure at least a little. I would love to see this happen, and I'm sure many others would too. Let me know what you think :D