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Minion Resurrecting Spell for Death

Oct 16, 2014
I thought of a spell idea focused on necromancy. The spell revives a Death's Minion if it is defeated any number of times. It may seem broken at first but it turned out to be balanced and counterable. This would also be the very first instance of Death utilizing anti-healing to strengthen an effect.

  • School: Death
  • Description: Minion regains 115% from Self if defeated [worded to fix card]
  • Spell Type: Enchant/Manipulation
  • Accessibility: Death School Only, No TC/Item/Pet version
  • Details: If the Minion is defeated, it heals 115% of its maximum HP taken from the wizard's HP. The heal amount is affected by the outgoing healing boosts on cast as well when the the effect is trigged, rounded to an integer (with 0% and under negating the effect/enchant if possible, else minimum 1%). Cannot critical as the spell itself is a summon. Dismissing the Minion or summoning another will not trigger this effect.
  • Concept: Guardian Spirit as well as the fact that undead are undead were the basis for this spell. I wanted this spell to work like Guardian Spirit but suit the Death school. That's where the idea of utilizing heal reductions came into play. Guardian Spirit heals 15% and increases with outgoing boosts, so this spell would heal X% and decreased with outgoing heal reductions. After playing with some numbers, I settled on 115%.
  • You will not need to resummon the minion, saving turns and pips.
  • Resummons as soon as it is defeated, keeping the Minion's pips.
  • Favours outgoing healing reductions.
  • Triggering under a global after casting under a global will give the boost twice.
  • Suited for an attacker/defender/supporter.
  • Gives Doom and Gloom a self-use purpose (currently only used to reduce enemy's healing, but affects the wizard as well).
  • You can "heal" under Doom with Steal Health.
  • Pulls directly from your health.
  • Minion can be defeated multiple times within a round.
  • Minion loses all hanging effects due to being defeated.
  • Does not favour outgoing healing boosts.
  • Triggering under a global after casting under a global will give the boost twice.
  • As it is an enchant, this only works with a Death's trained Minion.
  • Not suited for a healer.
  • (PvP) Steal Health is 1 pip, so Solar Surge will only add 50 base which is the same damage as the TC version.
  • (PvP) TC Doom and Gloom cannot be used.
  • You will want to minimize the healing amount, especially your outgoing heal boost, so that the effect pulls less each time.
  • Doom and Gloom will be your friend here. By casting under Doom and the effect triggering under Doom, you will have reduced the healing to 28% of the Minion's HP (7% for TC Doom).
  • You can always still heal the Minion yourself.
  • Using Steal Health becomes easier and can be done more times, but will take health back if the Minion is defeated doing so.
  • Dismiss the Minion if you think the effect will be exploited by the enemy.
  • (PvP) Daybreaker Doom into the enchanted summon is a possible strategy to avoid bubble replacement.
  • (PvP) A Death wizard may cast Infection on you to set up Monster Mash, and in the future, the PvP Death Scion. This scenario can now be used to help yourself set up this enchant, as well removing Infection(s).
Counters (mainly ):
  • This enchant can drain the wizard's HP unless Doom or Infection is used, meaning simply not casting Infection and changing the bubble from Doom will benefit you.
  • Sanctuary is a very, very powerful counter to this enchant. By casting under Sanct and the effect triggering under Sanct, the amount healed will be 209% of the Minion's HP which is VERY costly for the Death wizard.

850 HP example based on my gear on cast (numbers are rounded):
  • PvP Gear: 124% (no bubble) | 62% (Doom) | 167% (Sanct)
  • PvP HP Cost: 1055 (no bubble) | 527 (Doom) | 1425 (Sanct)
  • Heal Gear: 261% (no bubble) | 130% (Doom) | 352% (Sanct)
  • Heal HP Cost: 2218 (no bubble) | 1109 (Doom) | 2995 (Sanct)
  • PvP Gear cast under Doom and triggered under Sanct: 83% (712 HP)