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Mount Stitching or Transfering Stats effect.

May 17, 2014
If you have a mount that gives any additional stats for example damage or pierce, logically you're gonna equip it and ride it along. But not always the mounts that give stats go well with your outfit or your element. For example Battle Narwhal is suitable for a Storm wizard in my opinion but would not be suitable for a Fire wizard. If i could transfer the stats effect i would give it to a Fire Whirlwind for example. The mechanics of stiching could still be the same but the condition might be that both the mounts should be permanent. Or instead of stitching a way of transferring the stats effect to another mount would work the same way. Thanks for reading!

Aug 03, 2014
flamemage99 on Jul 15, 2019 wrote:
If you have a mount that gives any additional stats for example damage or pierce, logically you're gonna equip it and ride it along. But not always the mounts that give stats go well with your outfit or your element. For example Battle Narwhal is suitable for a Storm wizard in my opinion but would not be suitable for a Fire wizard. If i could transfer the stats effect i would give it to a Fire Whirlwind for example. The mechanics of stiching could still be the same but the condition might be that both the mounts should be permanent. Or instead of stitching a way of transferring the stats effect to another mount would work the same way. Thanks for reading!
I'd really like for our equipment set to include 2 slots for mounts - one for riding, one for stats. If you only have 1 equipped it counts as both stats and transport of course.

Our mounts vanish when we go into battle and in some dungeons they're not there at all, but their stats count. Could we maybe have a second slot to allow riding whatever we like the appearance of while benefitting from the stats of something else we have in our backpack?