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Nidavellir: Door of day (Raid) and Door of Night (Story continuation)

Sep 05, 2009
Those two lower doors in Nidavellir of Grizzleheim have always been mysterious and eluded any touch of story for now over a decade. Well here's a use for one of them: A Raid (or Dungeon)! We can add on to raid content using the Sun door, of course these doors have been sealed for centuries now and that part of Nidavellir may not have even been touched by the Grendels due to something far more powerful sealed within? Lore connections would point to something to do with Ymir, his sons and of course, Bartleby due to the grand mural on the floor. Perhaps one of the First servants of Ymir (Ice Giant) is locked within and has been waiting etc.

As for the Door of Night, I feel this one could be saved for an actual story continuation of Grizzleheim (used as an area not a dungeon or raid), where our wizard delves into another sealed section of the city to uncover more mysteries. The Ice Giant always seemed the most tame and respectable of the 3 Titans, with the Dragon being far too primordial and unpredictable, and the Storm Titan being arrogant and ready to drown and entire world just because. Story concept idea for the Door of Night: After the events of Rydall's plague, Bartleby implored the Treeminders to flee to Grizzleheim and seek protection with whatever peoples had built Nidavellir in respect to the Ice Giant in a time before the Bears, Ravens, and Wolves etc. and go from there! The last Treeminder still remains at the bottom of the city sleeping and knows nothing of the state of the Spiral now perhaps?