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Spell Customization

Mar 29, 2009
I thought it would be a cool idea if we could customize spells or make new ones. There would be a monthly contest, and whoever's spell that is the best gets put in the mainstream. The spells would have to summon creatures or make sense for that school. And if it something along the lines of like, 1,000,000,000 damage at 100% Accuracy for one pip, those won't even be considered. I also thought that the creators of these spells would get this spell added to there deck if it's reasonable for their level and school. If the spell needs more pips than your 7-pip spell, that is considered unreasonable. The spell creation doesn't cost gold until it becomes cross- class and/or it's unreasonable, and it starts off at a lot of gold. Maybe even crowns. But the idea on second thought would still unbalance the game a whole lot. So maybe there should be a specific forum where we could post our spell ideas and KI chooses the most balanced, reasonable spells to put in the game. I just think that we need new spells to be honest.
My story, Exploring Celestia, is posted on the Forums at Wizard101central.com, along with many other very talented writers.

Mar 21, 2009
Dec 17, 2008
This sounds pretty cool, maybe bring it in as a signature spell that each wizard can customize as a unique move once they reach a certain level.