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Updates for Trading / Auctioning / Stitching

May 02, 2009
Hi there, I have been playing since I was a kid in 2009 and like to come back every now and then and binge my favorite childhood game. Recently, as I've progressed further, I have noticed some things that I think would make the playing experience 1000000x better for the user. I think by some, if not all, of these suggestions would make the player base very very happy (in my opinion; I may be wrong but this is what I think more people would like).

Please add some aspect of player trading besides Treasure Cards. Any aspect of jewel, gold, pet, item, clothing, or reagent trading would be such a quality of life update. As of now people either have to sit and constantly refresh the bazaar for rarer reagents because as of right now there is currently no better way to get some of these materials since fishing takes way too much effort imo since it is tied to your pet activity meter, gardening takes literal days when you get into the higher tier plants to grow from seeds to plants (let alone reach adulthood to harvest), and farming without any knowledge of drop rates is just so soul sucking that its easier to run around a map for 1-2 hours looking for stone bricks then to fight pve (to which you will then have to transmute that reagent into another one and then transmute that into another one). If there was some system of trade outside of TC trading, it would be so amazing to trade gear, pets or mob drops (especially if it is for a specific school that you do not have but a friend does). If anything, just add more ways to get natural spawning reagents that does not consist of running around ____ area for 1-2 hours, either by adding more transmute spells, player to player reagent trading (with a standardized, maybe even less gold than the bazaar gold transaction between players so as to not ruin the bazaar economy and privatize trading), releasing information about drop rates, adding natural spawning reagent vendors, or increasing reagent spawn rates.

For auctioning, it would be also super cool if we could auction gems. I feel like the community would really love that addition versus having to find a gem jeweler to sell all of your unwanted ones when cleaning out your inventory (if you want a good price out of it, that is). Not only would this make the bazaar a one stop shop, which it already seems to be, it would open up the market for new ways to make gold as well as create a new thriving trade. I would also love it if you could put spellements in there as the current ways to get them are either: grind dungeons forever for a chance at getting some, or spend actual money in order to get 1/4 the amount needed for the full recipe and I feel like there has got to be a better way to implement them. Therefore if users had excess ones or spellements for spells that were not in their school that they did not want or need, then they could put them on the market allowing for other plays who are grinding, trying to get those spells, a chance to purchase them and help make their lives easier. For example, I have tons of first level spell spellements that I do not want or need. Now another player might make more use of these spells so I would much rather put them on the market then have them rot away in my inventory untouched. I would get revenue back and that player in turn would get what they wanted. Even if this is a no-no for KingsIsle at least update auctioning to include other categories like jewels, mounts (temp since the only real permanent ones are bought with crowns), etc. An update like this would make playing this game so much more fun and less tedious than it needs to be, plus it gives us more ways to spend all of our gold that just keeps piling up.

Also I think that for stitching, it would be much more user friendly to be able to select what stats you wanted to transfer over and I think it would be even cooler (perhaps OP) to be able to combine stats from one article of clothing with another (you could place restrictions on it to be more feasible, such as only allowing a certain number to transfer and not allowing stats to stack, instead maybe taking the higher number over the lower one).

Thanks for potentially reading this form user or KingsIsle employee. I love this game, I truly do, its just that some aspects can be really tedious and I think allowing these suggestions to be implemented would help revitalize some aspects of the game (i.e. selling, trading, and crafting). This is my first post to the form in the 11 years I have played this game, any constructive criticism is appreciated (just don't be too mean lol)

Lvl 61 Balance Wizard

Flameghostwind on Apr 6, 2021 wrote:
Hi there, I have been playing since I was a kid in 2009 and like to come back every now and then and binge my favorite childhood game. Recently, as I've progressed further, I have noticed some things that I think would make the playing experience 1000000x better for the user. I think by some, if not all, of these suggestions would make the player base very very happy (in my opinion; I may be wrong but this is what I think more people would like).

Please add some aspect of player trading besides Treasure Cards. Any aspect of jewel, gold, pet, item, clothing, or reagent trading would be such a quality of life update. As of now people either have to sit and constantly refresh the bazaar for rarer reagents because as of right now there is currently no better way to get some of these materials since fishing takes way too much effort imo since it is tied to your pet activity meter, gardening takes literal days when you get into the higher tier plants to grow from seeds to plants (let alone reach adulthood to harvest), and farming without any knowledge of drop rates is just so soul sucking that its easier to run around a map for 1-2 hours looking for stone bricks then to fight pve (to which you will then have to transmute that reagent into another one and then transmute that into another one). If there was some system of trade outside of TC trading, it would be so amazing to trade gear, pets or mob drops (especially if it is for a specific school that you do not have but a friend does). If anything, just add more ways to get natural spawning reagents that does not consist of running around ____ area for 1-2 hours, either by adding more transmute spells, player to player reagent trading (with a standardized, maybe even less gold than the bazaar gold transaction between players so as to not ruin the bazaar economy and privatize trading), releasing information about drop rates, adding natural spawning reagent vendors, or increasing reagent spawn rates.

For auctioning, it would be also super cool if we could auction gems. I feel like the community would really love that addition versus having to find a gem jeweler to sell all of your unwanted ones when cleaning out your inventory (if you want a good price out of it, that is). Not only would this make the bazaar a one stop shop, which it already seems to be, it would open up the market for new ways to make gold as well as create a new thriving trade. I would also love it if you could put spellements in there as the current ways to get them are either: grind dungeons forever for a chance at getting some, or spend actual money in order to get 1/4 the amount needed for the full recipe and I feel like there has got to be a better way to implement them. Therefore if users had excess ones or spellements for spells that were not in their school that they did not want or need, then they could put them on the market allowing for other plays who are grinding, trying to get those spells, a chance to purchase them and help make their lives easier. For example, I have tons of first level spell spellements that I do not want or need. Now another player might make more use of these spells so I would much rather put them on the market then have them rot away in my inventory untouched. I would get revenue back and that player in turn would get what they wanted. Even if this is a no-no for KingsIsle at least update auctioning to include other categories like jewels, mounts (temp since the only real permanent ones are bought with crowns), etc. An update like this would make playing this game so much more fun and less tedious than it needs to be, plus it gives us more ways to spend all of our gold that just keeps piling up.

Also I think that for stitching, it would be much more user friendly to be able to select what stats you wanted to transfer over and I think it would be even cooler (perhaps OP) to be able to combine stats from one article of clothing with another (you could place restrictions on it to be more feasible, such as only allowing a certain number to transfer and not allowing stats to stack, instead maybe taking the higher number over the lower one).

Thanks for potentially reading this form user or KingsIsle employee. I love this game, I truly do, its just that some aspects can be really tedious and I think allowing these suggestions to be implemented would help revitalize some aspects of the game (i.e. selling, trading, and crafting). This is my first post to the form in the 11 years I have played this game, any constructive criticism is appreciated (just don't be too mean lol)

Lvl 61 Balance Wizard
Greetings Flameghostwind! These are great suggestions. We want to do more to support trading in general. I'll pass along your ideas to our team who works on these systems!

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I think it might be useful to have like a Bazaar 2.0 that allows you to do this sort of thing. It would also be helpful if Elixirs/Temporary mounts could be transferred to other players. They clogg up my backpack space so much (and I've bought all the expansions that I can).

In general: I think that there needs to be a way to get rid of pets/temporary mounts other than trashing them. It feels inhumane especially when they are living things so therefore they get held onto.

For pets that are fails, there should be some system to sort of recycle them? Sell them to a specific NPC for Pet Tokens or some sort of currency that increases the chance to get a talent that you want. (People have wanted a pet talent reroll for a long time).

It would also be nice to have a way to trade reagents without having to use the Bazaar so that you can make sure that they go to a specific person. Or perhaps even only available to friends? A "Guild shop" if KI decides to ever take us in that direction (which according to Atmoplex there might be plans....) Though ToS will need to be updated.

Sep 19, 2013
Sparck. on Apr 7, 2021 wrote:
Greetings Flameghostwind! These are great suggestions. We want to do more to support trading in general. I'll pass along your ideas to our team who works on these systems!
I'm glad to hear that. I love trading systems and think the game is much better off for it. I personally had an idea that KI could introduce a way to trade items for some quantity of crowns, and take a small transaction fee for each trade. That lets people trade with a unified currency supported by the game and ensures that KI turns a profit with the system.