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Drops rates of all the game.

Jul 19, 2013
I believe the drop rates on everything in this game are too low. I spend days farming items now and this is not fun at all and is extremely hard, especially farming alone on my 130 storm. please fix this no one wants to play if theres a 1% drop rate on every exlusive item. sincerely Ryan Thunder

Ryanthunderthestor... on Feb 15, 2020 wrote:
I believe the drop rates on everything in this game are too low. I spend days farming items now and this is not fun at all and is extremely hard, especially farming alone on my 130 storm. please fix this no one wants to play if theres a 1% drop rate on every exlusive item. sincerely Ryan Thunder
Hi Ryan! We haven't changed the drop rates, so it may be a bug or another issue of concern. What items are you trying to farm?

Jul 07, 2012
Hey ryan and kingsisle team. I would have to agree, I have been farming aethyr elemental key boss since it came out farming for the songster's shoes. Were talking conservatively over 250+ runs. I understand drops especially newer drops such as the elegant life boots should be hard to get but when u do that many runs something is either bugged or just not right. And yes i have farmed both bosses for these boots as I know they can be dropped from either. I believe my game might be bugged because although I have no proof but can recall getting the boots on the side but never actually showing up in the bag. Is there anyway of getting thus drop back? Suggestions increase drop rates or make this new songster set able to buy with crowns like all the other elegant school gear, or make a black or something, I dont mean to complain and absolutely love this game but feel I have more than put in the work time resources etc for one piece of gear... Pls help

Jul 07, 2012
I agree, to keep this short aince I have a lot more to say on the subject I have farmed for songsters shoes since they came out more than a yr and over 250 runs. This is obviously a problem, kingsisle pls fix or make these boots a crowns item we can purchase if money is the issue cuz its not fun anymore. - Michael Lifehaven 130

Feb 25, 2009
Sparck. on Mar 24, 2020 wrote:
Hi Ryan! We haven't changed the drop rates, so it may be a bug or another issue of concern. What items are you trying to farm?
I have noticed this in Mirage as well lately. What little does drop isn't worth the effort to continue fighting cheating bosses and not get a decent drop. Since I dual box, most of the time only one account will even get a drop.

I am seriously considering not running in Empyrea now as it is. There are even more cheats there and little reason to go. I am almost finished with Mirage now. The game has become more about how hard KI can make it with little reward for paying and playing. Even Crowns Players have to pay to play.

I won't farm for days or weeks to acquire items as I have seen some doing now. Not sure what KI and the Devs are thinking when they make this game harder for the "Casual Players" or for Drops to be gained. Too much has changed in the game making it less fun to play.

Jul 04, 2012
I agree with you on this one. It's not just in Empyrea, it's everywhere. It's exhausting and frustrating to spend so much time and effort and not get the drops, after so, so many runs. Doing the loot roll is also really expensive (real life money expensive) so it's not really worth it in the long run. I wish the drop rates would be raised especially in areas like Darkmoor Graveyard so the game would be more fun and playable for people who don't want to spend 10+ hours at the computer daily.

Jul 06, 2011
I am trying to farm for a critical striker jewel in the secret tunnel and I've been here for a month at no luck