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5 Boxes Mooshu Last Door

Jul 17, 2013
This is my first time posting but I figured I should share! The 5 boxes event is going on right now, and in the Mooshu box the door before the last fight got me confused.
This is very likely me just being clueless but I went through this dungeon three times thinking that the door was broken.... before I realized I was trying to use the wrong door. The correct door is a small hatch by some spiderwebs. I thought the correct door was the door I entered from.
Figured I should post in case anyone else was having the same problem and can't find anything online. I found one post of someone having the same problem and I was going to just reply to them but the thread was locked.
Hopefully this helped someone!

Ovengoats on Mar 1, 2020 wrote:
This is my first time posting but I figured I should share! The 5 boxes event is going on right now, and in the Mooshu box the door before the last fight got me confused.
This is very likely me just being clueless but I went through this dungeon three times thinking that the door was broken.... before I realized I was trying to use the wrong door. The correct door is a small hatch by some spiderwebs. I thought the correct door was the door I entered from.
Figured I should post in case anyone else was having the same problem and can't find anything online. I found one post of someone having the same problem and I was going to just reply to them but the thread was locked.
Hopefully this helped someone!
Hi Ovengoats, welcome to the forums! A great instruction for those first trying out the event, thanks!