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Azteca saved?

Jun 19, 2012
First allow me to say I hope someone from Kingsisle staff will see my post. Now with that out of the way I will put my recommendation out there! I wish that KI would make some sort of side quest to reverse the doing of Xibalba cause I personally love Azteca now to see it in a terrible state hurts. It was once a beautiful world and seeing Xibalba in the sky was awesome. Heck I would restart the world just to see it in its former self again. Though questing to level 80 again I will not do. Especially when I am doing it for one world. If anyone else agree's with me please let me know by responding. Cause at the moment only by making a new character and leveling them up to 80 is the only way to quest through Azteca and see it in its former self


fastfreddyo6 on Dec 2, 2018 wrote:
First allow me to say I hope someone from Kingsisle staff will see my post. Now with that out of the way I will put my recommendation out there! I wish that KI would make some sort of side quest to reverse the doing of Xibalba cause I personally love Azteca now to see it in a terrible state hurts. It was once a beautiful world and seeing Xibalba in the sky was awesome. Heck I would restart the world just to see it in its former self again. Though questing to level 80 again I will not do. Especially when I am doing it for one world. If anyone else agree's with me please let me know by responding. Cause at the moment only by making a new character and leveling them up to 80 is the only way to quest through Azteca and see it in its former self

Hi fastfreddyo6, we see it! An interesting idea on a side quest. So you want to revisit and experience it again?

Aug 03, 2014
Sparck. on Dec 13, 2018 wrote:
Hi fastfreddyo6, we see it! An interesting idea on a side quest. So you want to revisit and experience it again?

Azteca is stunning and the enemies there are so beautiful! Everything about it is just gorgeous...but as soon as we complete the main quest line BOOOOOOOM...it is ruined with meteors!!!!! Even side questing there is full of sadness at our failure, defeat....and lack of toggle for the meteors

Honestly, this world is way too lovely to ignore and those meteors HAVE TO GO!!!!

Please, please, please give us the chance to go back and fix our failures and save Azteca!

Mar 16, 2012
fastfreddyo6 on Dec 2, 2018 wrote:
First allow me to say I hope someone from Kingsisle staff will see my post. Now with that out of the way I will put my recommendation out there! I wish that KI would make some sort of side quest to reverse the doing of Xibalba cause I personally love Azteca now to see it in a terrible state hurts. It was once a beautiful world and seeing Xibalba in the sky was awesome. Heck I would restart the world just to see it in its former self again. Though questing to level 80 again I will not do. Especially when I am doing it for one world. If anyone else agree's with me please let me know by responding. Cause at the moment only by making a new character and leveling them up to 80 is the only way to quest through Azteca and see it in its former self

Sometimes, we must realize that we don't "win 'em all". Failure is a part of life, even in the Spiral.

Aug 03, 2014
anecorbie on Dec 14, 2018 wrote:
Sometimes, we must realize that we don't "win 'em all". Failure is a part of life, even in the Spiral.
Noooooo! Failure is just the opportunity to try again...especially when we have MAGIC!

Dec 20, 2012
Victoria FireHeart on Dec 14, 2018 wrote:

Azteca is stunning and the enemies there are so beautiful! Everything about it is just gorgeous...but as soon as we complete the main quest line BOOOOOOOM...it is ruined with meteors!!!!! Even side questing there is full of sadness at our failure, defeat....and lack of toggle for the meteors

Honestly, this world is way too lovely to ignore and those meteors HAVE TO GO!!!!

Please, please, please give us the chance to go back and fix our failures and save Azteca!
I love Azteca I would love to go back there and have an opportunity to save it. It's by far one of my favorite worlds and I was sad to see it go

I agree side questing there is sad, especially when you absolutely have to go there. I helped a few people through Azteca and it was painful.

Let us go back! I can't wait to see what it brings

Cheyenne StormHunter
Level 119

Jun 04, 2014
There was a similar post a while ago about ways that Azteca might be saved. If you search the topics, you can probably find it and it might give you some ideas.

Jun 04, 2014
I posted info similar to this on a previous similar topic about a way that could possibly be used to save Azteca. It could be turned into a massive side quest:

It would be nice to have a quest to save Azteca. Maybe it could go something like this:

Quest 1: We visit that Aztecan who sells potions in the Arcanum. While buying one, he might engage in a conversation with us about how he came to the Arcanum on a visit, and while there, his world got destroyed by the comet. Now he is stranded in the Arcanum. He requested help from the Arcanum, but they refused. Perhaps his initial dealings were with the Cabal, instead of the "regular" Arcanum scholars, and that is why he did not get any help.

Quest 2: We talk to several Arcanum scholars about whether it is possible to save Azteca somehow. None of the scholars is of any help, but the death school Arcanum teacher (Qismah) mentions that such a quest must surely involve aspects of time travel and she suggests that we visit the Chronoverge in Mirage and talk to the scholars there.

Quest 3: After talking with the Chronoverge scholars, none of them can think of anyway to help, but one suggests that there is a "Professor" in Marleybone who is very familiar with the subject of time travel, and they might be able to offer a suggestion.

Quest 4: We visit the professor. He says that it would be unwise to alter the time stream by going into the past and trying to stop Morganthe from sending the comet to Xibalba - too many things would be affected. However, he also says "who is to say that the ENTIRE comet actually hit Xibalba". He does not go into any further details, but suggests we might want to talk to the curator of the Marleybone museum about some old Azteca artifacts they have had in storage for quite some time.

Quest 5: We visit the curator. He pulls out a catalog of items from Azteca that are kept in storage. One item catches our attention - An Aztecan Calendar Stone.

To be continued.

Jun 04, 2014
Quest 5 continued.

The curator says that the particular Aztecan Calendar Stone in the catalog was a special one created in Azteca's ancient past by the "Lord of Winter". It was reputed to have magical properties, but no one actually knew what they were.

Quest 6: We visit the Arcanum library. We ask the curator if there are any books which discuss Aztecan history, and also the "Lord of Winter" in particular. He directs us. While visiting the library, we run into a few members of the cabal. They seem to be searching for something in the same section we want. A battle ensues. Who will win?

Quest 7: After we dispatch the cabal, we find the books we need. After studying them, we discover that the "Lord of Winter" crafted the stone for a time in the future when Azteca would encounter its greatest threat. But we do not get any particulars on what the powers of the stone are.

Quest 8: We visit the potion dealer in the Arcanum and tell him what we have found out, and ask if he knows anything about this particular calendar stone. He does not, but suggests that there might be some Aztecan survivors who might know more about it. There was a small Aztecan colony of scholars who happened to be away at the time of Xibalba and are now stranded after their ship ran into a massive storm while near Empyrea. They are probably located in the Aeriel Jungle.

Quest 9: We visit Empyrea and find out from someone on the Aeriel shore that yes there are Aztecans who have set up a camp and have been living in the Jungle - since it is the closed thing to what existed in Azteca. They give us the approximate location. We head into the jungle to find them. We have several battles with insects and eventually come across their camp. We speak with them. One of the scholars tells us about a legend regarding the Calendar Stone.

To be continued.

Jun 04, 2014
Quest 9 continued.

This calendar stone supposedly had the ability to control time. If you rolled it counterclockwise, it would cause time to roll into the past around the person controlling it. If the stone was rolled clockwise, it cause time to move forward into the future. The Lord of Winter used it to monitor events in Azteca. But of course, that was only a legend. Also, the legend says that the calendar stone came with a couple of other pieces - it was not just a standalone stone.

Quest 10: Back to Marleybone museum. We find the curator unconscious, and after waking him, we find out that he was attacked by a few "wizard looking types" who were looking for information about a "stone" from Azteca. He was forced to provide them the catalog. Then they asked him where the storage area was and knocked him out. We hurry to the storage area. There are several cabal members who seem to be in the process of moving some crates. They are being directed by MEOWIARTY!!. We move to intercept, but a few cabal members break off and engage us in battle. While the battle is going on, Meowiarty and the other cabal members teleport out with a couple of the crates. After the battle, we talk with the museum curator, and discover that the calendar stone is still in the storage are (too big to easily move), but there were 2 other crates containing items found with the calendar stone, and those appear to be missing. The curator looks through the catalog and identifies the missing crates as containing a spindle for the wheel, and some sort of cranking mechanism.

Quest 11: We visit Sherlock Bones to see if he knows anything about Meowiarty and his present whereabouts. Sherlock tells us that Meowiarty recently escaped from prison and has dropped out of sight. However, Sherlock suggests we visit a few of his "known associates" in Marleybone and "extract" the information.

To be continued in further postings if people are interested in seeing more...

Dec 16, 2009
Storywise it would be a bit hard to do since in canon Morganthe enchanted Xibalba, making it unable to be redirected, stopped or destroyed.

However, as the Scion who's heard the song of creation at least twice now, perhaps we can come up with a workaround. There are a few cool options I thought of.

-Freeze or significantly slow the comet's time: That way the comet is always there and it satisfies Morganthe's conditions but it will just never hit.

-Move Azteca out of the comet's path. This would probably be difficult but we may have vestiges of Paradox energy which let us go toe to toe with an enhanced Titan so it's possible.

-Organize a worldwide evacuation: If other means don't work then at least we could save the people of Azteca.

Aug 03, 2014
DreamGalleon21154 on Dec 16, 2018 wrote:
I love Azteca I would love to go back there and have an opportunity to save it. It's by far one of my favorite worlds and I was sad to see it go

I agree side questing there is sad, especially when you absolutely have to go there. I helped a few people through Azteca and it was painful.

Let us go back! I can't wait to see what it brings

Cheyenne StormHunter
Level 119
Totally! Side quests there are so sad because they're supposed to be before we failed to save the world...but we have magic and time travel and who knows, Azteca could be the wizard version of Jurassic Park

I don't mind how it's achieved, but wizards never give up and there is no way we'd just leave those dinos to perish because back then we failed! Time-turners, Jurassic Park, Dr Who...meeting someone who was 'in insurance' like in 12 Monkeys hahaha...whatever we need and whatever fun references can be thrown in...my wizards are definitely onboard for fixing their mistakes and saving Azteca!