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Buffing Crafted Gear

Mar 26, 2022
Hello everyone, I wanted to share an idea that might changed the way we play this game. Everyone buys Bazaar gear until level 30, and then grinds Zeus gear. Of course, we then grind Waterworks or House of Scales at level 60. At max level, pin socketing gives wizards the opportunity to dual school. If you ask any meta player about a second school or dual school, they will laugh at you. However, it seems like the game is moving into the direction of dual schooling. I propose that the crafted gear, in each world, be buffed. This will allow more options earlier on in the game. The crafted gear in earlier worlds has no resist or power pip rating. This is why no one uses them. If you buff the gear to have some power pip rating and resist, it will be much more viable. If you don't want to buff the gear directly, then perhaps having power pip and resist jewels at a lower level will be more balanced. If we can get a hold of a decent amount of power pip rating and resist early on, it would actually be viable to run a second school. Anyways, let me know what you all think of this idea.