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Beastmoon "Time-Out" penalty - orange chain of death in game

Jun 19, 2010
I have sent a ticket to KI BUT - I also want to start a thread here for other Beastmoon players. Twice today I have encountered the "orange chain of death" and had to leave the game to re-boot. Upon returning the first time I had a notice that I couldn't play Beastmoon for 15 minutes. The second time I encountered the "orange chain of death" , when I got logged back in I got a message that I was "banned from Beastmoon hunt for 1 hour".
I am very upset that due to no fault of my own, my connection was full bars, I was banned from the game I love. I fear how long my time out BANNED penalty will be the next time I get disconnected.
Many players of Beastmoon complain about getting disconnected during a match. There was the same problem during the last Beastmoon. I can play other aspects of Wizard101 for hours and never get a disconnect, it only happens during a Beastmoon event match.
I have no idea if it is a glitch in the Beastmoon program, the servers switching realms to save on server space, or what the bug may be. I do know I never have connection problems with other games, social media, watching movies, etc. It only happens on Wizard101 and Beastmoon events.
I am a 62 years old that has been playing Wizard101 for over a decade - I would not casually exit a Beastmoon match. I feel bad for my team when it happens because they are now at a disadvantage. For Wizard101 to ban me from playing for no cause of my own is such a insult to my integrity and love of this game.

Apr 18, 2013

This is just wrong. There is a secondary issue happening too. While waiting in the queue for the match to start, I am constantly being given a 15 minute penalty due to inactivity, but I am being active. It already happened 4 times and now I am wondering if this is going against my account.

I too started a ticket with this and other beastmoon issues, but Support sent me to post here on the site.

These penalties need to stop

Sep 05, 2008
I also got the "orange chain of death" last night. But mine appears to be a total ban on Beastmoon. At first last night it said I was banned and then it quickly changed to a 4 hour ban, however, this morning it is a 12 hour ban. When I reached out to Tech Support this morning they replied that their systems were working...nothing else. I replied back to them with a screen shot of your post and I am waiting on a reply. I was kicked out and was able to reconnect last night several times but I didn't get any points for those battles because "I" left the game. The final time was on the last round of the spiral fight and we won because my wife was on the other team but I was counted as missing so no points for that one either. Hopefully they fix it and we are able to play again soon.

Mar 13, 2010
I had a similar problem twice; once yesterday and once today.
Yesterday, I dropped connection and got a notice when I logged back in about "Failure to participate can result in a future ban" and had a 15 minute timer. Today, I CMD-Tab out of the game to the web after I chose my Beast and it crashed the game. I chose not to send the error report because I wanted to get back.

When I logged back in I got three messages 1) Banned for 4 hours, 2) Banned for 1 hour, 3) 15 minute penalty.

It appears that the 4 hour "ban" is accurate because where just under two hours out and I have 143 minutes left. I don't mind the cooling off periods, but I'd hate to be banned from the event because of issues with my internet or problems with the Mac software.

Mar 13, 2010

The game crashed while I was casting a spell during Beastmoon this morning. I let it sit for twenty minutes hoping I'd be able to gain control of my character, but never did. My internet connection was fine, and nothing else on the Macbook was unable to run.

I logged back in to three messages about being banned. 0 hours, 3 days, 1 day. When I attempted to play a match I was told I was banned for 1439 minutes, so the 1 day message seems to be what the game is functioning on.

I've submitted a support ticket.

Aug 16, 2012
I got banned for 2800 minutes what should i do now?

Jun 22, 2010
Yea I agree Page but now however they are banning PPL for 3 & 4 days at a time. Hardly a cooling down period,lol. In fact it's just happened to me myself twice in the last half hour and I'v had ENOUGH cooling down now. Now I just want to PLAY !!! Gonna send my own ticket later after I get all screen shots and all together and hope they try and tell me it's my computer, I don't think so. You know as well as Natalie and many others my computers don't crash. I also have been a paid subscriber since at least 2010 and that is my second acct. Yes, I have had those chains before however it's always due to something Wiz. has done to its software or servers After they go back and reset the software back its all good. Since China has bought the game though its happening much more often, I believe a lot of it is caused by them trying to do on the fly maintenance, something they would never ever do before. Lots of things happening I do not like lately but I put up with it all and never complain , However this last update must go and I absolutely will not accept punishment for things I have no control over ? ? " BANNED from Beastmoon" because THEIR servers cant handle the crowds ? ? Crashing when they switch ppl up to more crowded servers to save money on server costs ? NOT my fault , Stop punishing me for it.

Jun 19, 2010
These "orange chain of death" situations seemed to be getting more frequent last night between 9 PM (05-07-20) and 2:30 AM ( 05-08-20) ETZ - at which time I quit playing. It hangs up on the orange step of connection problems, does not got to the red and indicate a full disconnect. So the only option is to manually close the game. I suspect it is not showing up on the "problem fixers" at KI log of the game as a disconnect. I submitted a follow-up to my original ticket to indicate the problem has not been fixed.
The Banned messages continue to escalate in time. Some of them are enforced and I have to do other things in the game because I can not play Beastmoon. Thankfully the one telling me I was banned for 3 days - when I pressed close, a shorter one replaced it, and then more increasingly shorter "time-out" messages. Then I was allowed to enter the sign-up to join the match. But imaging the impact on a younger, less experienced player. They could be devastated to think they can't play Beastmoon until the event is expired. Especially troubling to the emotions during the times of a pandemic and many of us are escaping reality by playing a much loved game.
One thing I did notice is - I always start in a perfect realm, by selecting a non busy realm manually. When I log back in after the lock-up my wizard is in a full realm. I wonder if these "orange chain of deaths" are due to a server switching players up to a different realm - a realm that is full and no room so my wizard is left in server limbo waiting for space.
I spent a good part of my life in building custom computers and programming. I have been retired for several years and have no gaming /server switching experience. But my mind is just running down just what aspect of this game could be causing such a problem.

Feb 02, 2014
I also am having a hard time with this issue.
I use my hotspot to play wiz, and it works perfectly in all aspects of the game, but during the beastmoon hunts, I crash. Ive emailed the support team and got this answer back.
[[ Thanks for the trace route information. This helps quite a bit.

Support cannot remove a Beastmoon ban.

More importantly your connection shows to have some severe problems at the moment and would explain why you are experiencing the issues you are regarding crashing.

Your trace route indicates that your signal is losing packets (data) prior to reaching our servers as indicated by the asterisk symbols * shown in route. You can look it over and see the point(s) at which this is happening.

1 * * *
2 * * *
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 * * *
6 * * *
7 * * *
8 * * *
9 * * *

This loss of packets can cause severe latency (also known as lag) and/or complete disconnection. Due to the fact that this loss of packets is occurring prior to reaching our servers we are limited to offering a few tips for troubleshooting.

Contacting your internet service provider for further assistance is your best step. They may or may not be able to assist in lessening or eliminating the packet loss but it's worth a call to find out. Should they be unable to assist unfortunately you will continue to experience performance issues related to this network issue. ]]
I don't feel as if this is fair in any way. How can you not remove a ban...IN YOUR OWN GAME?
It tells me im banned for 2667 Minutes. Really hope this gets fixed

Feb 06, 2010
Rowantimes6 on May 6, 2020 wrote:
I have sent a ticket to KI BUT - I also want to start a thread here for other Beastmoon players. Twice today I have encountered the "orange chain of death" and had to leave the game to re-boot. Upon returning the first time I had a notice that I couldn't play Beastmoon for 15 minutes. The second time I encountered the "orange chain of death" , when I got logged back in I got a message that I was "banned from Beastmoon hunt for 1 hour".
I am very upset that due to no fault of my own, my connection was full bars, I was banned from the game I love. I fear how long my time out BANNED penalty will be the next time I get disconnected.
Many players of Beastmoon complain about getting disconnected during a match. There was the same problem during the last Beastmoon. I can play other aspects of Wizard101 for hours and never get a disconnect, it only happens during a Beastmoon event match.
I have no idea if it is a glitch in the Beastmoon program, the servers switching realms to save on server space, or what the bug may be. I do know I never have connection problems with other games, social media, watching movies, etc. It only happens on Wizard101 and Beastmoon events.
I am a 62 years old that has been playing Wizard101 for over a decade - I would not casually exit a Beastmoon match. I feel bad for my team when it happens because they are now at a disadvantage. For Wizard101 to ban me from playing for no cause of my own is such a insult to my integrity and love of this game.
I love that they are trying to deal with the cheaters, but I too am experiencing this!

I have decided not to play until this is fixed, I don't want to get banned for "not participating". I am very much participating, and those "Phantom Pips" have aggravated me to death!!

Jun 22, 2010
TIcestone2008 on May 6, 2020 wrote:
I also got the "orange chain of death" last night. But mine appears to be a total ban on Beastmoon. At first last night it said I was banned and then it quickly changed to a 4 hour ban, however, this morning it is a 12 hour ban. When I reached out to Tech Support this morning they replied that their systems were working...nothing else. I replied back to them with a screen shot of your post and I am waiting on a reply. I was kicked out and was able to reconnect last night several times but I didn't get any points for those battles because "I" left the game. The final time was on the last round of the spiral fight and we won because my wife was on the other team but I was counted as missing so no points for that one either. Hopefully they fix it and we are able to play again soon.
Just wondering what ever happen to you regarding this because I also experienced this same issue. I was able to play yesterday however on one char. however one had a 500 minute penalty going so I played the other. Now today I log on and try to enter Beastmoon and BOTH characters have a 2000 plus minute penalty !! I can not play either and WT... ?? My Character with the 500 minute penalty is now counting UP ??? Coincidently just 50 points away from the gold idol. Only thing said from administrators is " It will be fixed for the next event " WELL What of the gold storm idol that was just out of my reach ?? Forget that one ?? NO ONE NEEDS THAT ANYWAY ??? To many questions and no answers. Thanks again Wiz. 101 , I'm only a 10 yr. paid sub. what do I know.

Feb 06, 2010
AlricX6 on May 9, 2020 wrote:
Just wondering what ever happen to you regarding this because I also experienced this same issue. I was able to play yesterday however on one char. however one had a 500 minute penalty going so I played the other. Now today I log on and try to enter Beastmoon and BOTH characters have a 2000 plus minute penalty !! I can not play either and WT... ?? My Character with the 500 minute penalty is now counting UP ??? Coincidently just 50 points away from the gold idol. Only thing said from administrators is " It will be fixed for the next event " WELL What of the gold storm idol that was just out of my reach ?? Forget that one ?? NO ONE NEEDS THAT ANYWAY ??? To many questions and no answers. Thanks again Wiz. 101 , I'm only a 10 yr. paid sub. what do I know.

I had the thought that someone on the other team might be sabotaging our connection. Because, oddly, me and another teammate lost connection at the same time. (never met them either)

I have never been so angry with KI support when they told me, "leave your suggestion on the message board" - Are you serious? Okay, well, I'll just wait 9000 hours (1 year) before I can play Beastmoon again, for something I have no control over whatsoever.

Note: I'm glad they are trying to take care of the cheaters/non-participators, but losing internet connection is a possible thing, sabotage, or not.

Mar 13, 2010
AlricX6 on May 9, 2020 wrote:
Just wondering what ever happen to you regarding this because I also experienced this same issue. I was able to play yesterday however on one char. however one had a 500 minute penalty going so I played the other. Now today I log on and try to enter Beastmoon and BOTH characters have a 2000 plus minute penalty !! I can not play either and WT... ?? My Character with the 500 minute penalty is now counting UP ??? Coincidently just 50 points away from the gold idol. Only thing said from administrators is " It will be fixed for the next event " WELL What of the gold storm idol that was just out of my reach ?? Forget that one ?? NO ONE NEEDS THAT ANYWAY ??? To many questions and no answers. Thanks again Wiz. 101 , I'm only a 10 yr. paid sub. what do I know.
Someone posted an 86 year ban on Twitter.

Mar 13, 2012
Yesterday a friend took me into Beastmoon to help me learn it, had never done it before. I got the orange chains, I log back in and to a "warning" excuse me but I play multiple wizards at a time for hours and never have a problem, I also had a second computer up and running with Skype, Discord and Spotify open, not a blip. The problem wasnt me "leaving" I was trying to learn why would I run, my internet connection is very stable. The problem is on KI's end, not mine. I will not be participating in Beastmoon at all. Ever. I will not accept a ban for their problem.

Thanks all for reporting details on this concern! We're taking a look at the system now. If there's any adjustments to be made, it'll be made for future events.

Jun 19, 2010
I have just sent my second follow-up to the ticket I sent to support - Follow-up to ticket # 200505-000818 - Beastmoon. I am also posting it here because the response to a ticket tells us to put them here because problems will get more attention if posted in Halston's Lab.
Here is what I wrote in the ticket report: unfortunately I can not include the frame grabs here.
I logged on the Wizard101 this morning and was overjoyed that I could actually play the last day of Beastmoon. All the accumulated bans for a disconnect seemed to have been removed. I played for a short while with no "orange chain of death". I was so thankful that the problem was solved - life was good. . . . Until after my supper when I logged back on. I was successful to complete the first match. Upon the second match I once again encountered the "orange chain of death" (the first two photos) showing game play and a second one with game screen reduced and Task manager indicating that Wizard101 is running and that my internet connection is excellent. So I shut down my computer, rebooted and logged back on to Wizard101. I immediately received a message on my screen that I could not play Beastmoon for 0 days. So I figured there was a problem with you not being able to totally remove the message but could null it out. HOWEVER, upon clicking on Join Match and second click I got the message in the 3 picture. The 4th picture has my calculator converting minutes,to hours, then days, then finally YEARS.

Do you actually mean I can never play Beastmoon for 85.79 years? I will be dead, in the ground and pretty much decomposed by then.

If you read the messages I have left on your message boards - per your recommendations Name - Rowantimes6 - you will have an idea of my frustrations. AND I am not the only long time player encountering this disconnect and outrageous punishment for something beyond our control. I sincerely hope you will address this problem - and just maybe offer an apology to these players that have supported your game for many years.

Believe me it is not any kind of comfort to read Sparks comments - which "read between the lines" implies KI still does not believe there is a disconnect problem to the point of renaming the Halston Labs thread for Beastmoon bugs to now have added Ninja pig - 200. Implying that the whole thread is just about the Ninja pig, when most of the messages are about the disconnect problem.

Mar 13, 2010
PaigeGoldenspear on May 7, 2020 wrote:

The game crashed while I was casting a spell during Beastmoon this morning. I let it sit for twenty minutes hoping I'd be able to gain control of my character, but never did. My internet connection was fine, and nothing else on the Macbook was unable to run.

I logged back in to three messages about being banned. 0 hours, 3 days, 1 day. When I attempted to play a match I was told I was banned for 1439 minutes, so the 1 day message seems to be what the game is functioning on.

I've submitted a support ticket.
And, the three days wasn't their eventual determination.

I'm one of the people on Twitter with an 85+ year ban.

I get all of the reasons this happens. I think fifteen minute, hour long, even day long bans can be appropriate, but nobody should be prevented from participating in future months, especially when it was due to connection issues or outright software crashes.

I've already corresponded with Support and sent the traceroute, they claim it's not server related, but I wonder if it's related to the Catalina OS release.

@Sparck, are these eternal penalties being reconsidered?

Jun 22, 2010

Rank: Survivor
Joined: Jan 15, 2011
Posts: 2
Charm(s): 2

May 10, 2:34 PM

2 Charm(s)
Re: Bugs with the Beastmoon event - Ninja Pig -200
I feel I have to post something so I can be added to the list of people who are fairly upset. The bugs in the beastmoon event and the game instability has got to be addressed. This is Mother's day and my wife is very upset now because she been trying to do the beastmoon event and gets disconnected, character loads invisible, or unable to interact with the beastform statues to play the event. When she returns from a disconnect the game essentially bans her from the event. It is not our internet connection because I'm on my computer playing, and was working on organizing house inventory and gardening. She is now banned from the event for three days even though the event only good for one day. She is trying to contact Customer Service and their response is its her problem with her internet connection not the servers, and these measures were put in place cause it is not fair to other players. This to me is not proper customer service.

I personally stopped playing the event because there is no point. The pig is broken giving opponents -200 permanent blades, broken pip wisps, disconnecting, and more. I also have been having severe connection instability when I zone into another area. The loading screen just sits there and never times out or anything. I've waited as much as 20 minutes before returning to my desktop and terminating the game via task manager. Once in a while the game just outright exits back to Windows and message pop-up the game has crashed and asks if you like to report this. I'm a patient person, but my frustration is more so because its Mother's Day and this certainly is not celebrating it the slightest especially with the customer service responses she is getting.

Show Charm(s) History

Jun 22, 2010
Sparck. on May 11, 2020 wrote:
Thanks all for reporting details on this concern! We're taking a look at the system now. If there's any adjustments to be made, it'll be made for future events.
What do you mean Snark, "If there's any adjustments to be made". When you have 30 plus of your 10Yr. subscribers telling you there is an issue with your "BREAD & BUTTER " players of the game being banned from beastmoon for something beyond their control. If you would simply look at these players statistics. You would see most ALL people posting here regarding DISCONNECT & BANNED issues are players who have been supporting Wiz101 for 10 Yr's or more. You will also see most have EXTREMELY LOW number of post's. That in itself should tell you something is wrong. If these people took the time to post on this issue, People who in 10 years have never or very seldomly posted at all, now did. You would think YOU would at the least give them the benefit of the doubt and consider maybe something IS wrong and in need of ADJUSTMENTS. After all these 10 Yr. PAID subscribers have supported Wiz101 through thick and thin and NEVER once complained. I assume most are like me, very laid back and know you are working to fix problems. With all who are reporting issues they do not feel the need to put in their two cents worth. We know you are fairly new at PR if not to Wiz101 all together, and us "Old school" subscribers" do know and expect a bit of a learning curve as you try and learn to fit the game. Trust me when I say there are still many of us around. What you are dealing with on a day to day basis are mostly the free or even new players or stream players. I Personally know it must be quite stressful, and a job I wouldn't want. However YOU took it. Now you need to be a bit more aware of just what type of players you are dealing with and respond accordingly. When you comment "If there are any adjustments to be made" to a group of this stature of players who have been around since the game's inception in 2008 some even wiz101 Beta players. We have kind of been around the block once or twice. That kind of comment feels like a big slap in the face. I have personally received a ban for 87 YEARS, I know that ain't right even if I had left early, which I did not do anyways. I know I am not the only one to get a lengthy ban like this either. In this instance , A GOOD PR person would never insult PPL like this with comments that imply they are lying to you. We haven't the time or willingness to do such. However when we are punished for things we did not do for 87 years we must take the time to try and help fix it. A good PR person would in this case first advise that you need time to look for the problem and will get back with us ASAP. When you do find it, and you will, just put it out there, good, bad, or indifferent, That's just how it is. Then do your best to fix it and simply tell us you found something and are working to fix it. Nothing more needs saying. Maybe even just give all who experienced a problem a free gold storm wolf idol or at least run that one again next time and tell us so. TELL US SOMETHING to make up for the inconvenience. Spark, please try and understand us decade long players who ARE still around are adults most with knowledge of computers and game programing,we haven't the time nor the morals to waste on lies for these type of issues. I myself am a 56 yr. old retired electronic tech. my sister was a Beta player for Wiz101 and I and my spouse were for Pirate101, All in our 50's as are many of our friends who have been here the whole time. Point is, we are not children and resent being treated so. Thanks so much for your understanding. I Wiz101

Jun 19, 2010
I want to thank the KI Support Team for responding to my last ticket with hope for a resolution to this very frustrating partial disconnect in the Beastmoon Event. Below is their response.
I, and many others, now can have hope for the next Beastmoon Event being a much more satisfying and fun experience.
Thank you so much
PS: I also hope you will be able to remove all the penalty time from our accounts. One of my wizards is 85 years out in penalty time - I am 62 and will not live that long to be able to play Beastmoon with that wizard.

Response By Email (KingsIsle Support) (05/12/2020 05:24 PM)
Hi there!

We apologize for the frustrations!

KingsIsle's developers are absolutely aware of this bug.

Although we do not have an exact ETA as to the resolution we can advise that it has been brought to their attention for a fix.

Please keep checking the our Social Media Links and our main website for information about updates to the game.

In the meantime you can follow the latest updates & comment specific to your issue:
To report Problems & Bugs post here:

If you have any feedback or suggestions you wish to share or unreported bugs please them there.

Our game makers and community manager do take player feedback extremely seriously and this is the most direct way to reach them in regards providing your feedback on any in-game issue.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Kindest Regards,

KingsIsle Support

Feb 06, 2010
Rowantimes6 on May 13, 2020 wrote:
I want to thank the KI Support Team for responding to my last ticket with hope for a resolution to this very frustrating partial disconnect in the Beastmoon Event. Below is their response.
I, and many others, now can have hope for the next Beastmoon Event being a much more satisfying and fun experience.
Thank you so much
PS: I also hope you will be able to remove all the penalty time from our accounts. One of my wizards is 85 years out in penalty time - I am 62 and will not live that long to be able to play Beastmoon with that wizard.

Response By Email (KingsIsle Support) (05/12/2020 05:24 PM)
Hi there!

We apologize for the frustrations!

KingsIsle's developers are absolutely aware of this bug.

Although we do not have an exact ETA as to the resolution we can advise that it has been brought to their attention for a fix.

Please keep checking the our Social Media Links and our main website for information about updates to the game.

In the meantime you can follow the latest updates & comment specific to your issue:
To report Problems & Bugs post here:

If you have any feedback or suggestions you wish to share or unreported bugs please them there.

Our game makers and community manager do take player feedback extremely seriously and this is the most direct way to reach them in regards providing your feedback on any in-game issue.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Kindest Regards,

KingsIsle Support
Wow, I wish they would have given me that response. Instead of “we don’t need anymore information from you, next time leave your suggestion on the message boards”

Normally they are good, but it was very upsetting when they said that to me.

Jun 19, 2010
Blaze03554 - that was the response for the third ticket I sent. And multiple posts in two areas on the message boards.
I give support a bit of a "Pass" on timeliness because most of these game freezing and the penalty issues began late Friday afternoon. I suspect it was the weekend reduced staff that was inundated by tickets over last weekend.

The responses on the first two were not as nice. They were most likely a formatted reply - like "select reply #" click here. The reply you got was pretty much the same as my first two replies. Which infuriated me even more than an 85 year ban from Beastmoon.

I totally agree there could be improvement on the wording of the replies, even if they are a "stock" answer. That said, as I have noted in other posts, I am 62 years old and grew up with much different manners than the "younger" generations.

I guess I have now become like my grandmother was when I was a youngster - instructing me to say please and thank you, be nice, listen to what you hear and what you say, etc. Our society is different now, and manners are not important in much of our world these days.

Jun 19, 2010
It appears the June Beastmoon is still applying the incorrectly applied penalties from the May Beastmoon.

My Balance wizard Rowan Sea got all her beats form ready to play, clicked on join match and a pop-up told me I could join a match in 1677 minutes. That is over 27 hours.

I thought all the not valid penalties had been removed from the orange chain of death situation in the May Beastmoon.

My Balance wizard is now at a almost two day disadvantage in being able to achieve reaching the final award in this event.

I honestly do not know how this wizard "slipped through the cracks" because there were several posts during the May Beastmoon in which I stated the wizard names that were experiencing the disconnect and the ever increasing penalties applied.

On the bright side, if there is one. This wizard now only has to wait several days, the last Beastmoon the time penalty was 87 years.

My life wizard Rowan Storydreamer has been able to play Beastmoon in this event with no penalty time. I will concentrate on playing with her and hope the penalty on Rowan Sea is resolved the next time I try to use that wizard which has different beast forms.
