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Abandoned House boss King Detrius crashes game

Nov 26, 2014
Hello I seemed to have run into a issue with the boss King Detrius and his aura that increases his damage pierce and resist by 5% when ever a minion is killed by the cheat before this. What i do is
1. Go into the battle.
2. Start blading and getting ready to hit.
3. When he kills first minion it seems to work as intended.
4. Start to Cast spells every thing is fine.
5. When the second minion is killed the moment the aura is casted it will crash my game (when i was with my friend it crashed him as well at the same time)
6. log back on fine.
7. log on to the wizard that was in the dungeon and I was still in battle with King Detrius
8. A couple rounds past and i was fine
9. HIs cheat activated again and crashed me at almost the same time as last.
this was only after last nights maintenance i seemed to be fine before then. I can repeat these steps and get the same result for the times i've tried to do the dungeon. I have done this about 5 times now and have gotten the same results. it never seemed to produce a bug report form or anything like it normally would if it crashed. I hope this helps you in any way fix this bug (if it is one).

nestormcdade on May 16, 2020 wrote:
Hello I seemed to have run into a issue with the boss King Detrius and his aura that increases his damage pierce and resist by 5% when ever a minion is killed by the cheat before this. What i do is
1. Go into the battle.
2. Start blading and getting ready to hit.
3. When he kills first minion it seems to work as intended.
4. Start to Cast spells every thing is fine.
5. When the second minion is killed the moment the aura is casted it will crash my game (when i was with my friend it crashed him as well at the same time)
6. log back on fine.
7. log on to the wizard that was in the dungeon and I was still in battle with King Detrius
8. A couple rounds past and i was fine
9. HIs cheat activated again and crashed me at almost the same time as last.
this was only after last nights maintenance i seemed to be fine before then. I can repeat these steps and get the same result for the times i've tried to do the dungeon. I have done this about 5 times now and have gotten the same results. it never seemed to produce a bug report form or anything like it normally would if it crashed. I hope this helps you in any way fix this bug (if it is one).
Thanks nestromcdade for reporting this issue and outlining a detailed account of how to reproduce it! We're taking a look.

Jul 18, 2010
This exact thing is happening to me as well.

Dec 20, 2013
Three of us were each crashed out of that dungeon multiple times that night; it happened to me at least 5x, and several times for my friends, as well. The interesting thing is that we were able to close the game and then log back in, and be right back in the same fight, so although it took over an hour, we were actually able to finish the fight.

I didn't note any particular pattern to the crashes, although it usually happened when the Boss was about to do something.