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Game Update for August 20, 2020

This morning's update resolved the following issues:
  • Players are now properly awarded Fellspawn badges
  • Players can now place wallpaper and flooring in the Arcanum Apartment
  • Fixed a Monstrology monster retention issue
PvE Balance:
  • Some Spell Card display adjustments when the spells are used in Beastmoon Monster Mayhem
  • Reduced Pip Cost of ‘Balance of Power’ to 2 for +25% Balance Damage Global (for learned spells only)
  • Reduced ‘Detonate’ Pip Cost to 1 for learned spells
  • Critical Healing in PvE was reverted
1v1 Ranked PVP Balance:
  • Critical Healing in PvP is reduced to x1.3
  • Implemented a time limit for matches
  • Added Diego to decide tied matches and streamlined his decision criteria

Oct 06, 2018
Pve crit healing was reverted to what? Because as it stands it’s doing less than what it was.

Dec 21, 2018
Sparck. on Aug 20, 2020 wrote:
This morning's update resolved the following issues:
  • Players are now properly awarded Fellspawn badges
  • Players can now place wallpaper and flooring in the Arcanum Apartment
  • Fixed a Monstrology monster retention issue
PvE Balance:
  • Some Spell Card display adjustments when the spells are used in Beastmoon Monster Mayhem
  • Reduced Pip Cost of ‘Balance of Power’ to 2 for +25% Balance Damage Global (for learned spells only)
  • Reduced ‘Detonate’ Pip Cost to 1 for learned spells
  • Critical Healing in PvE was reverted
1v1 Ranked PVP Balance:
  • Critical Healing in PvP is reduced to x1.3
  • Implemented a time limit for matches
  • Added Diego to decide tied matches and streamlined his decision criteria
What do you mean by critical healing was reverted? Yesterday, my pigsie heals did about 3.2k base with a max critics set, 51 outgoing, & 38 incoming. Now I heal for 2.9k after critical was “reverted.” It’s obvious that the percentage modifier has been changed but may we get some transparency on whether it was intentional and if so, what the new modifier is?

Feb 25, 2009
LPride419 on Aug 20, 2020 wrote:
Pve crit healing was reverted to what? Because as it stands it’s doing less than what it was.
Agreed. My crit heals are doing only about the amount of the card used. I have not had a crit heal work right for the past week. Most are only doing about 500 heal. Even using Guiding Light, Mend, along with other utilities the heals aren't doing anything like they did before.

Using Rebirth now with buffs is barley doing a bit more than 1k heal. Why have we lost so much Healing in PvE. What is the point of playing Life wizards when our main reason for being Life has been reduced to almost nothing?

Nov 25, 2019
Why are you taking everything away from Life KI?

Crit healing nerf in pvp, it was rough and now Life is at the bottom of the tier list and struggling. But I came to terms with it since you guys said you'd atleast give Life some more love later.

But you guys also nerf crit healing in pve, where bosses have 2000 damage base spells, with 175+% damage along with pierce. Why even touch it, it was hard enough keeping the team live during Late Game boss runs, and crit healing life was the only unique thing life had over other pve support schools. Balance, Ice and Death all have the ability to get the same main Healing spell that life has, while keeping the unique spells they have. Ice with legion shield, Death with Juju, and plague. Crit healing was the only unique thing the life had, and even then its being touched.

I'm sure this comment won't even show up on the forum since currently it has 2000 views with 3 comments. But geez, don't take everything from life. Now we're just a bad death in both pvp and pve.

Feb 08, 2010
Just got back on my life and pve critical heals had been doing about 1/3 more before the last update

Feb 28, 2014
DragonLady1818 on Aug 21, 2020 wrote:
Agreed. My crit heals are doing only about the amount of the card used. I have not had a crit heal work right for the past week. Most are only doing about 500 heal. Even using Guiding Light, Mend, along with other utilities the heals aren't doing anything like they did before.

Using Rebirth now with buffs is barley doing a bit more than 1k heal. Why have we lost so much Healing in PvE. What is the point of playing Life wizards when our main reason for being Life has been reduced to almost nothing?
I agree, Wizard101 game was already lacking in Life wizard players as it is, Now I see even less Life wizards in the game. I'm asking Kingsisle how is weakening the main purpose of a school down to amost useless causing the game to end sooner than is has to by unhappy players called balancing the game. Wizard101 is NOT Advanced Dungeons & dragons game where everything has to make perfect sense and balanced to ball point.

Oct 06, 2018
Can we get some type of response? Please? Nerfing a school and not replying to the people who spend money on your game just seems a bit unprofessional