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Pet talent question

Jul 10, 2015
I've bought and trained 8 timberland yetis to teen now and every single one got lifespear! I wanted life damage or critical and I have spent all of my money, how do I make it not get lifespear?

Thank you for all and any help

Dec 06, 2009
I feel your pain. Most of my pets wind up with Wise and Mana gift.

Even though wise can boost some of the other talents, I generally deem it as worthless for my purposes...and mana gift is probably the most useless skill ever since once you reach a certain point its almost impossible to run out of mana unless you are extremely careless.

Best I can think to tell you is to find a different pet without life spear and keep cross breeding until you ween that particular talent out. My understanding is that it can easily take multiple dozens of attempts to get rid of an unwanted talent, and even more to actually get the ones you want.

Sep 07, 2011
Train to adult and hatch for the talents you want. First gen yeti seem preset to get spear at teen.

Apr 10, 2013
The key to getting different talents in any pet is to hatch them, not buy another one! You should train one timberland yeti to adult or maybe even higher, not teen, and then find another pet with ideal talents and hatch. If you get your yeti back after the hatch perfect, otherwise hatch again. Honestly, I'm pretty sure Gemma was right as well, pets bought from the crowns shop always have a preset talents when trained. Trust me and do yourself a favor, just put the time in and hatch with someone else. Good luck with your pet!

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Spear is preset to be the first talent in Yeti's.

So, train them all to at least adult, or until one gets either the damage or the critical stat you're looking for. Keep trying until the talent you want shows up in the new pet by adult. Never train past adult if the talent doesn't show up. Discard that pet and try again. As soon as you do get a desired talent at adult, STOP training. Hatch that pet to another with similar stats that you're looking for. If one has the Critical and the other has the damage you want, hatch them together.

I did this method with the Yeti and got rid of the spear talent within one generation.

Then you repeat the process by adding in the 3rd talent, and over and over as needed for the 4th & 5th talents.

Hatching ideal pets is tedious, time-consuming and expensive. Just know that and the frustration won't drive you quite so crazy.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven