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Jamburgler Drawless Victory badge is bugged

Nov 27, 2013
According to the wiki, Jamburgler gives a badge called Drawless Victory (defeat the Jamburgler without any wizard casting). I did this today with a team of three and none of us cast (although our pets cast heals). None of us received this badge.

Is any further information available about the requirements for this badge, and can KI confirm that the badge is functional?

ChicoValerian on Jan 25, 2021 wrote:
According to the wiki, Jamburgler gives a badge called Drawless Victory (defeat the Jamburgler without any wizard casting). I did this today with a team of three and none of us cast (although our pets cast heals). None of us received this badge.

Is any further information available about the requirements for this badge, and can KI confirm that the badge is functional?
Hi! It should work. Read the latest couple of posts in this forum thread for insight into how other players achieved the badge: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?514233-Karamelle-Badges/page9

Nov 27, 2013
Sparck. on Jan 26, 2021 wrote:
Hi! It should work. Read the latest couple of posts in this forum thread for insight into how other players achieved the badge: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?514233-Karamelle-Badges/page9
I did it twice with two low level wizards (survived until Jamburgler was defeated) and once solo, no badge to show for it yet.

Aug 09, 2009
It doesn't currently work. I've done it before. I just did it again today to test; however, I still did not receive the badge for it.

Nov 27, 2013
Stopping by to report this badge is still glitched. I did it today (thank you pet!) and was not awarded a badge. C'mon guys!

Dec 31, 2009
Sparck. on Jan 26, 2021 wrote:
Hi! It should work. Read the latest couple of posts in this forum thread for insight into how other players achieved the badge: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?514233-Karamelle-Badges/page9
Had you actually bothered to read the thread you linked, you would KNOW no one has been able to get this badge after trying tons of options for it.

Someone on your end needs to look into this as well as all the Judge Veg badges, none of which are working as far as I can tell.

People are upset enough by the 1k creature badges, what does that prove anyway? Now that these other badges seem unachievable, seems like a major waste of time to bother with any of them at all.

Feb 17, 2011
Hi I am so excited to hear about this and some of the other new badges! Please keep us updated as soon as the battle is debugged and up and running!

Jul 13, 2010
Badge is still bugged. Just won this battle without any casts (pet heals only!) and didn't get the badge.