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some suggestions on the game

Jul 06, 2009
ok i posted on here but for some reason, it didn't go through, some suggestions:

I'm an adult, and I realize there are other adults playing as well, is there any way to put an address that one is an adult and one is a child? Perhaps finding characters that are a bit older? I am finding that there are a lot of kids that get attatched to characters, and I have had a handful ask me out, and it is really frustrating to see that they are asking me out when they barely talk to me, and getting attatched easily. I know it's a parents' responsibility to make the children aware of this but it would be nice to send out email notices to bring that to attention from time to time. Some parents aren't that into computer games so don't realize how online gaming can affect someone. In fact, when they sign up for an account, perhaps you should suggest to inform the kids of do's and don't's.

Maintenance, i know you have to do them and thank you for putting it in a time that not many people are on, however being a night owl, it does affect my game playing =o( can you close down certain areas that you are working on and players can just go to the open areas?

anyway to port through using a map and clicking on location?