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Wizard101's Third group of spell schools

Aug 01, 2009
We've seen the might of the elemental schools, ice,fire,storm, and of the spiritual schools, death,life, and myth. However, there is another that others have overlooked. It is a group, that is not elemental, and not quite spiritual. They are powers that are VERY much a part of this world, difficult to understand, master and advance with. Wizards throughout history have struggled to understand how to control such forces, while few have succeeded. Thus some believe it is not possible to. However, these can be understood, mastered, and used to manipulate battles in ways other schools cannot.

They are in the realm of focus that is based on the physical and scientific powers in the world. Controlling these leads to the upset of balance, and brings greater variety to the world of wizardry. Spells used from schools in this category represent the realm of FORCES.

The first school in this realm should be Gravity.
Why gravity? With gravity, you could manipulate several aspects of battle. You could make it much harder for a group of enemies to hit, generate pips, regenerate, run(if that's ever going to be possible), and more. You would be able to manipulate the "field" of battle to your liking.

the 0 pip wand attack could be something simple, like lifting a nearby bowling ball sized rock and hurling it at your opponent. simple attack, simple damage.

Gravity Field(AoE, not global) 15-30% decreased accuracy to all enemies on the field- adjusted to the developers liking. Under strain of gravity it would be harder to hit. -you could also have a similar but opposite global effect increasing friendly accuracy.

Light Body- using gravity, lessen the force pulling on you/your allies body thus making them lighter and increasing their ability to concentrate on fighting. Increases power pip chance (30-50%?)

Accelerated hit- use gravity to make an outgoing attack hit at a great speed, increasing the damage. ( like a blade,cast on a friend )

Gravity Trap- use gravity to make an enemies body heavier, making it harder to defend against an attack. (25-30%)

Strain- use gravity to hold an opponent to the ground for 1 turn. like a stun.
-you could also have a similar spell to remove 1/2/3 pips from an opponent depending how many pips cost and the general balance of the game.

-for the spell below, i wasn't sure of an appropriate name.
Use gravity to pull an opponent flat to the ground, then raise a large chunk of land under the opponent high into the air, flip it over, and slam it straight into the ground at high speed.
-For the animation of this, i would suggest moving the chunk of land some so it will hit another part of land next to it, and not the empty hole where the chunk was removed, as the wizard is kind enough to move the chunk back quickly after the attack finishes. More fuel for the same attack that way, if you need a logical reason; besides, the answer to the question of how it would get back where it should be might be a brain twister otherwise. Also welcome to make it more kid friendly.

you could imagine several gravity based attacks/buffs/de-buffs that would cost x pips, increasing the strength/effect for each pip. i think there is a great amount of potential with this school.

There's so much you could do with this. How many pips things would cost, and what goes properly where, additional ideas and smoothing out, the other 2 schools. I would say time here, but someone else already has a whole topic on it! (may be worth looking at as an addition for the force class of school. Time "forces" things along whether we like it or not, so..:-) ) All can be worked on. Most importantly, getting this out there so it can, is needed for it to work. I believe this could be a reality if the developers considered the potential.
I REALLY hope they do, then take a good long look, and think of the possibilities here. It would be worth the effort.

Whether gravity should have the balance shield is debatable, though gravity manipulation definitely offsets the balance of the world. So would any force that deals in time/celestial bodies/energies/physical manipulation/magnetic fields(for example, such as moons effect on the worlds magnetic field when closer/father away). Which of these categories, or any of the imagination that fits the category of "forces".

Feel free to add ideas.