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Major Problem With Housing

Aug 21, 2008
So You Know How You Can Buy Different Houses and Sell Your Other And At Most 100 Items Will Go To Bank from That House? Well, I Was Transfering From The Small Kt House To the Small Ds House. And I Made Absolutely Sure I Had ONLY 100 Items In My House. And I Went To My Bank At My New House And.... NOTHING WAS THERE! Thousands Of Gold Worth Of Items, GONE. Months Of Farming For Items, LOST. Kingsisle, Can You PLEASE Get My Items Back!?!?!

May 27, 2009
Did you look in your attic? Go to place a housing item, then find the icon for "open attic" your things should be there.

Mar 18, 2009
After clicking your Place Items button in your house zone, there should be a circular button at the far right that has an image of an attic. Your items should have been saved there prior to changing houses, but I believe your items default to there if you forgot to do that.