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Wooden Chests :(

Jul 25, 2009
When i began playing this game i was excited to run across a wooden chest. (I love finding money lying around)
However, as I progressed through the game to MB and MS i realized i was bypassing wooden chest if they were even a little out of my way. I found they were not worth going after.
So, my idea is to put a area specific reagent in them every so often, maybe have a 50/50 chance of getting one. That way peope feel it is worth the time to stop and get the wooden chests.
I dont know if others feel the same way, but it is a thought.

Justin Stormpyre
Grandmaster Diviner

Mar 01, 2009
i think the money amounts in ds and ms are fine and why would people want to go after them even if they had reagents you can get most reagents except scrap iron or diamonds at the bazaar or at reagent sellers