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New ways to customize houses

Nov 11, 2009
When I recently obtained some crowns, I immediately used them to buy the brand-new Life House, even though I am a Death student. As I have began my huge task of putting in objects throughout the grounds, I came to an idea. I would like it to look like I have a dark imposing house. Gray flooring. Massive imposing towers, colossal gates, graves everywhere. It was there that I came to several problems. First, I no way of putting anything on the slight incline directly after you enter the place. Secondly, there was no way that I could completely block off the view of the house and its surroundings unless I put so many towers that I could not get into the house. I propose two things to start off with.

1: Give more flexibility with the current items, instead of just rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise, allow it so that you can put in an incline in the object you're placing, so it could fit on a reasonable hill. Stuff like that to make customization easier.

2. Create a whole new, extensive feature. You have a Myth House? You want to make the entrance look like an Ice House? Pay ...... gold and you can have the entrance look, and block out, everything of the Myth house and have ice everywhere. That type of basic idea. It wouldn't be limited to stuff like that. You could change whole rooms to fit different themes. You could even put in different themes, such as a ninja theme, even though that may not have anything to do with the game.

Let me know what you think!