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Gift card that is flawed what to do?

May 31, 2009
I purchased a gift card at a local store and when i got home and tried to scratch off to get the code, it would not scratch off, I didnt want to use heavy pressure on it in fear of removing the code numbers. I had to take a sharp pair of scissors and gently scratch the cover off the code, still I had a time reading the numbers.
My question is, What should I do if I ever get a card that I have to use such extreme pressure that I lose the numbers, what next? Will the store make it good? Or does wizards have some way to make it good? This is the first really hard card i have ever had. they dont happen very often. But it was like the scratch off material was glued on. and then there was bumps in the plastic of the card where it would not allow a smooth scratch off. I finally was able to read the numbers, but I was wondering what I would have to do If I damaged the card where I couldnt have read the numbers.

Hello Young Wizard!

If you should ever scratch too hard, or that one or more of the numbers become unreadable and you need help just use the contact us option over there in the Help and Support area to let the fine folks in Customer Service know.

They'll need your account name, the serial number from the card and where you purchased the card from in order to help. They'll then send it off to the nice people who make the cards to help identify the missing numbers and get back to you as soon as possible.

Be patient though, this can take a few days!!