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Healing and Shielding.

Mar 07, 2009
People who think it should be banned, read this.

First of all, quit whining or quit the game please. This is a part of PvP that they complain the most. Maturity of this has gone down really badly. Its just a game that everyone plays for fun, not to ruin other people accounts by faslely reporting, ignoring, deleting from list, etc. Sure its all dandy when you get healed, but NO, its not fair if they heal. Think about how you act, and then think about the other person.

People who think it should stay, read this.

If you see someone acting ridiculus, just port away or try and help them. Sure, you might get ignored if you tried to help but i would try to do it. Doesn't matter if i get reported, etc. Just think this, you have been the better man or woman if this doesn't work out. Just let them be if you tried to help.

If i seem like i'm being rude, then i'm sorry but i am tired of all of this, everyone has a flaw, no one can be perfect. :| :| :|